Medical researchers and clinicians take note! As of May 2008, ACP Journal Club ceased being published as a separate journal. Instead of being a bimonthly stand-alone journal, ACP Journal Club is now a monthly feature of Annals of Internal Medicine.
This arrangement will benefit readers of both publications. First, the ACP Journal Club summaries will now be available to readers once a month rather than bi-monthly. Second, busy clinicians will now have easy access to both publications in a single access point. Third, co-publication will facilitate links between topically related material in the two publications.
The ACP has also launched a new alerting service to members called ACP Journal Club PLUS. Sign up to receive e-mail alerts from ACP when articles of interest to you are identified by the McMaster program. You can customize this service for your own clinical interests and receive alerts about new articles that your peers with similar interests have found relevant and noteworthy.
For more information visit the ACP Journal Club website.
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