On January 4, 2018, I received my invitation via e-mail, reminding me not to miss my opportunity to kick off Dalhousie’s anniversary year:
Join us on February 6, 2018 for DALHOUSIE’S BICENTENNIAL LAUNCH,
a unique performance event to kick off our anniversary year.
Featuring a special appearance by George Elliott Clarke, MA’89, LLD’99, the former Parliamentary Poet Laureate and author of Dal’s bicentennial poem, it’s a celebration of history, art and culture you won’t want to miss.
Vancouver and Halifax are separated by many miles, but on February 6, 2018, I felt I was in the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, Dalhousie Arts Centre, Halifax, celebrating Dalhousie University’s Bicentennial Launch.
Good news for those who were unable to watch the live streaming, the event was recorded and can be accessed here. I know you will enjoy this remarkable performance that welcomes the arrival of Dalhousie’s third century.
Rebecca Budd,
Blog Coordinator

The Honourable A. Anne McLellan, Chancellor of Dalhousie University

George Elliott Clarke, MA’89, LLD’99

Dr. Richard Florizone, President of Dalhousie University