“Once we start on the learning path, the addiction to knowledge acquisition takes over. Life-long learning becomes embedded in everything we do…. Acquiring knowledge is only the beginning of a journey. Sharing knowledge sustains us on the road ahead.
Tyler Saito, Class of 2016

Tyler Saito, MBA(FS) Class of 2016
Tyler Saito, Director, Wealth Management Business Solutions at Coast Capital Wealth Management crossed the stage in 2016 to receive his MBA(FS). In a July 2017 virtual interview with CEGE Connection, Tyler shared his thoughts on the idea of “Deeper Learning” as presented by Martine Durier-Copp and Joyline Makani’s award-winning research. A recent MBA(FS) grad, Tyler outlined his next steps within the context of this research:
Reconnecting with friends and family. They were an invaluable support and encouragement all through my years of study. As well, I am committed to utilizing and mastering what I have learned in my chosen career path with Coast Capital Financial Management, an organization that reflects my values and gives a purpose to work. I enjoy engaging in community endeavours and have used my Dal experience to coach little league fast-pitch and establish a communication strategy within this dedicated organization. Acquiring knowledge is only the beginning of a journey. Sharing knowledge sustains us on the road ahead.
Fast forward to 2019. In a following up interview with CEGE Connection, Tyler spoke of his commitment of reconnecting with family and friends, sharing knowledge and engaging in community endeavours.
Tyler Saito:
Since graduating, my family became my focus. My wife and children gave me their full support during the time that I was involved in professional development. They kept me grounded.
Summer has come and I am right in the middle of softball season with my girls. Both of my girls play fastpitch. It is an exciting time. I have enjoyed being their coach, for at least one of them, over the past four years. Being a coach of a softball team has given me an extraordinary opportunity to foster sportsmanship, collaboration and discipline, values that will build resilience as these children grow into adulthood. Simple acts like sitting with the team before and after the game and sharing how they felt during the game or practice helps them bond and trust each other, knowing that they are in a safe environment. While the focus of the team is playing a game, I have learned that one of the keys of keeping kids in the game is helping them make great friends and gain a sense of belonging.
With warmer weather, I am back to cycling and running outdoors. Last year I was able to complete two triathlons and two Gran Fondos. When I am putting in a couple hours of running or cycling, it gives me time to think and mentally reset a bit. It is also nice that these activities are excellent enablers of disconnecting from electronics and just focusing on breathing and moving. There is an interesting sense of camaraderie among cyclists and among runners. We are all out to beat our own times and efforts. Neither activity ever gets any easier with time, you just get a little faster.

Tyler Saito, Global News Morning, Money Matters
Editor’s Note: Tyler’s commitment to sharing knowledge and research is evident on Global News Morning, Money Matters. Check out Tyler’s recommended “Summer Financial Reads to Help Your Bank Account.”

Tyler Saito, Global News Morning, Money Matters