“We all can make a Difference! “
Michael Ford

Mike, Chris & Scott
A few years ago, the idea came up to enter the Ride to Conquer Cancer with a few friends looking to make a difference and have some fun at the same time. We jumped at the chance to participate in this event.
Around the same time my employer decided to enter a team. This was our opportunity to join an emergent group dedicated to fighting cancer. We are now a team that has become 100 strong.
Each rider commits to raising a minimum of $2500. At first, this perceived obstacle was something I did not think I could do. My concerns were unfounded. I was overwhelmed and amazed by the generous response I received when I asked for financial support. People gave willingly, sharing their personal stories, a reminder to me that everyone, whether personally or through a family member or friend, has been touched by cancer.
June 2016, the first night of the ride, I was in a big tent with my friends, Scott and Kris, having an afternoon snack with thousands of people. We happened to sit beside a young university student. She shared that she worked at the Keg, among other part time jobs, while going to school in Toronto. In our conversation, she told us about her boyfriend who recently lost his battle with cancer. To honour him, she decided to try and raise the money and ride to conquer cancer. Her friends at work rallied to support her by raising small amounts at a time to reach the $2,500 goal. These friends located a bike, and with their encouragement to back her, she set out to make the 220KM+ journey solo.
How this young student supported her boyfriend through his difficult last months, and her resolve to give voice to his memory through the ride, is one of many stories of courage and determination that bring us together in our shared desire to raise funds for this worthy cause. Being involved in this event is inspirational. Much has been accomplished, giving hope of survival and a greater quality of life while fighting cancer. But, there is more work to be done.
Fast forward to 2018. Ride #3 is in June 2018. I have raised my $2500 goal, looking to do even better this year. My son Christopher recently posted a note about his dad on LinkedIn promoting me, then world’s most energetic person Rebecca Budd to ask me to write a note for the CFAME Connection…and here I am being inspired again.
So, here is my ask to all who read this post. There are four rides across the country. I invite you to check the link Ride to Conquer Cancer.
Whatever your passion, take action! Just ask and you will be inspired. If action is sponsoring someone, then search out a friend or maybe people on your corporate team. Should you choose to ride, I can tell you the experience is breathtaking in so many respects – the people you meet, the stories we all share, because we all can make a difference.
May 2018
Michael Ford MBA(FS) 2010, Scotiabank Change Management Lead, Branch Transformation Implementation, is inspired by continuous learning, energized by great people, and making a positive difference in the lives of others. Michael has graciously agreed to be a repeat contributor on CFAME Connection.