“Alumni were delighted to have this opportunity to see each other again; they were very proud to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their program.” Martine Durier-Copp

Martine & Moragh
The 20th Anniversary of the MBA (FS) continued westward to Calgary and Edmonton. Martine Durier-Copp and Moragh MacAulay were warmly welcomed by enthusiastic graduates who came out to celebrate this significant milestone.

Calgary March 7, 2017
The Calgary and Edmonton events brought together alumni and students from the MBA and MPAM programs. Graduates enjoyed sharing insights and describing how the program had benefited and supported their professional trajectory.

Edmonton March 9, 2017
“An MPAM student was delighted to interact with an MBA in her city, and both learned about each other’s program and very different perspectives: government and industry. This is truly a strength of CFAME’s faculty and integrated programs.” Martine Durier-Copp
A special note of thanks goes to Joseph MacDonald who described the early days of the OEGP, and how it was launched, from the conceptual stage to operationalizing the program. Morven and Michelle were saluted as having contributed to the launch of the MBA (FS).
Thank you to all who joined the festivities. Martine and Moragh appreciated the camaraderie, and reconnecting with an engaged alumni community.
Next stop: Vancouver April, 25, 2017

Edmonton March 9, 2017