Born and raised in Richmond, B.C. Tatum Freigang came to Dalhousie on a scholarship with the desire to live away from home. Tatum is a Fourth-year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in finance and has recently accepted an offer for full time employment with Fidelity Investment after she graduates. Tatum said that her success came from not only completing the required work terms, but also by opting to spend a semester abroad in Belgium in her third year. On top of these accomplishments, she also holds the title of VP Internal at Dalhousie Commerce Society.
Tatum’s love and passion for travelling influenced her to pursue an academic exchange in Belgium. While talking about how exchange helped her overall development, she said “I was able to travel to ten different countries and meet people from all across the world. Exchange helped me professionally as I was meeting new people all the time. This helped me gain confidence in striking up random conversations. I feel like I have strengthened my amicable personality and am able to find common ground with diverse personalities.”
Tatum is a heavily involved member of Dalhousie campus life. Tatum is an active member of Penny Drops, an organization that educates high school students on financial literacy topics, and an active participant in the CFA Research Challenge. “Penny Drops has taught me how to successfully articulate a topic to teach to students and the CFA Research Challenge has tested my financial acumen and pressured me to perform under strict deadlines,”.
Tatum added: “Ever since I was younger, I have always had a busy schedule filled with baseball, hockey, rugby and countless clubs. Therefore, I find that I thrive with a full schedule as it forces me to be productive and manage my time effectively. As VP Internal, I ensure that I write down my to-do lists and work on completing the required tasks. Knowing how precious time is, when you stay focused, a lot can be accomplished- even as little as ten minutes can go a long way,”.
In Tatum’s view, every student should be involved in some type of on- campus activities. “Never doubt doing something you want. I joined the Dalhousie Salsa society, 3-on-3 basketball team and intramural hockey league because they are all things I love and felt like doing. None of them are related to Commerce but they contribute to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Being involved means doing things that make you happy, so find what those are and do it. Life is more than just school and a lot of learning happens outside of classrooms,”.
Tip of the week from Tatum:
Sometimes the word “networking” can sound intimidating or dreadful but know that it is simply just a conversation. Don’t put so much emphasis on trying to get a job or showing off, just be friendly, curious and get to know the other person. Most great opportunities have come from finding a similar interest with the other party. Employers want to know whether they could work with you, so show your personality.
If you want to involve in on-campus activity, Visit Dalhousie Commerce Society office at Second floor in Rowe building .
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