Quick Steps:
- Log in to myCareer > Click Blue Circle icon (bottom right) > Search Postings
- Select one of two options in pop up box > Search Job Postings to filter desired job postings
- Click Save My Search Results > Check box to receive emails on new jobs > Save
For more detail on the steps above, review the full step-by-step directions below.
Students can only see Management Career Services Co-op and Internship job postings once they have been released to do so (typically during the academic term before a work term is set to occur). To be released, co-op students must meet the following requirements:
- Have completed all mandatory components of Co-op Orientation and e-signed the Co-op Education Program Agreement within Brightspace.
- Have gained MCS approval of their resume and cover letter.
- Have obtained the total required credits, including the required core credits.
- Have registered for the upcoming work term
- Have accepted Terms and Conditions in myCareer once the job search term has opened
- International students: Have applied for and received a Co-op work permit valid for the full length of the work term
Students are only permitted to see MCS job postings applicable to their specific work term. You can search all other job postings (including summer, full-time, part-time, volunteer, recent grad, etc.) in the Career Services section of myCareer.
Please be aware that once you have submitted a work term record for MCS approval, you will be marked as “not available – employed” for your other job applications and access to myCareer co-op/internship job postings will be suspended for the hiring period.
To view and sort job postings, follow these steps:
- Log in to myCareer: https://mycareer.dal.ca/login/student.htm
- Click the Blue Circle Icon in the bottom right corner select Search Postings. Then select either the “Full/Part Time Volunteer” or “Co-op/Internship- Faculty of Management” in the box that appears. Students looking for Co-op, Internship or Corporate Residency positions, must click on “Co-op/Internship- Faculty of Management” option. You will then have a few different options for how you can view active job postings:
A. Use the various Quick Search Links on the main Job Postings screen to browse jobs by useful categories such as:
- Featured Postings
- For My Program
- Applied To
- Shortlist
- Viewed
- New Postings Since Last Login
- Postings Added in the Last 2 Days
- Application Deadline Today
- Application Deadlines in the Next 10 Days
B. Click the blue View All Available Postings button at the top of the screen to search all job postings available for your program
C. Click the blue Job Search button at the top of the screen to conduct an advanced search using any of the following criteria:
- Date Live
- App Deadline
- Featured Posting
- Organization
- Term Posted
- Job Title
- Job Location
Your search criteria will generate a list of jobs based on your selections. You then have the option to click Save My Search Results which will save you time when conducting a similar search in the future. Enter the name you wish to assign to the search in the “Save this search as” box. If you wish to be notified by email when new job postings (in accordance with your search criteria) are added to myCareer, click on the designated checkbox. Only one email is sent per day containing any new job postings.
- Now that you have conducted your search, you can click on a job title to view the full posting, click the Shortlist button to keep track of the jobs you are interested in or click Apply to immediately begin the application process!
When looking at the Co-op or Internship job postings in myCareer, there are several ways you can organize the listings according to your preferences. Job postings can be sorted in the following ways:
- Numerically, by their Job ID.
- Alphabetically by Job Title
- Alphabetically by Organization Title
- Alphabetically by Position Type
- Alphabetically by Location
- By date according to the Application Deadline
- By the company Division
- By the Internal Status
Experiment with these settings and see how you prefer to view your job postings.
For more myCareer tips, consult our other Student User Guide tutorials.