On Saturday, 7 April, the Earth Sciences honours students presented their research at the annual Honours Symposium. Students and faculty alike got to learn about the research these students have been doing over the course of the year, and celebrate their accomplishments.
Here is Professor Djordje Grujic, the honours coordinator this year, introducing the first speaker, Ariel Greenblat, who spoke on her research into the recent geological history of the Gulf of Aqaba from drill core analysis. Thanks to Djordje for doing such a fine job in bringing the students through to completion, and organizing this event.
Congratulations to Jacob VanderWal who won the best thesis award (supervisor John MacDonald, U of Glasgow), for his thesis entitled “A new multi-proxy approach to characterizing calcite fracture-filling processes, and the implications for geothermal energy systems”. Here he is presenting the results of that work.
Graham Kerford was awarded the best honours thesis presentation, for his work entitled “Structure of the Mohorovičić discontinuity (MOHO) at the East Pacific Rise”, (Mladen Nedimovic, supervisor). Here he is presenting those results.