“We invent the future every day through creativity. Inventing the future takes work and has a momentum of its own. I have learned that there are times to speed up, as well as slow down or, even wait for events to unfold in a natural flow.”
James Christopher Desmoulin MBA (FS) Class of 2019

James Christopher Desmoulin MBA (FS) Class of 2019
James Christopher Desmoulin graduated with the Class of 2019 MBA(FS) and has become involved in our vibrant alumni community. In a recent virtual interview with CEGE Connection, James reflected on how creativity influenced his academic journey and his involvement with reBoot Canada, The Prince’s Trust Canada and IYIL2019 through UNESCO.
James Christopher Desmoulin:
“How are the paintings coming along”, my instructor used to ask at the Ontario College of Art and Design, reminding us that we are all painters even though we may believe otherwise. We have the power of imagination within us, whether it be painting, music, poetry, writing or in the performing arts. We must continue to ask ourselves “How is our artistic outflow coming along”.
When I studied art at the Ontario College of Art and Design this was a technique used to stimulate creativity. While it may not be our focus, even in our busy professional lives we are still the painter, the musician etc.
As I wrapped up my MBA at Dalhousie University in August, I recalled a question asked in one of my classes at the beginning of the program: What made you want to complete your MBA at Dalhousie? My answer was simply that I always wanted to do my MBA and found that Dalhousie’s on-line blended program was optimal. So, these past years my question, “how is the MBA coming along” was an affirmation of my art instructor’s reminder to give voice to my artistic nature. An academic journey allowed me to explore the creative aspect of business and strategic direction, to visualize a dynamic world via the lens of a wider, global community.
We invent the future every day through creativity. Inventing the future takes work and has a momentum of its own. I have learned that there are times to speed up, as well as slow down or, even wait for events to unfold in a natural flow.
I support organizations and proponents in building networks where sharing information connects people and teams to engage in collaborative problem-solving. I actively participate in reBoot Canada’s initiative to mentor and train Indigenous youth in technology inclusion. As well, I work with The Prince’s Trust Canada to revitalize Indigenous languages through their children’s coloring books which are illustrated by Patrick Hunter, Prince’s Trust Canada’s Artist-in-Residence.
This year, I am assisting my mother who is participating in the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages – IYIL2019 through UNESCO, the purpose of which is to prevent the loss of Indigenous languages. Once these languages disappear, the world will lose vital knowledge that could be harnessed for human improvement and sustainable development. Our global cultural diversity will be diminished along with unique ways of knowing and experiencing the world, which may disappear forever.
Creativity pulls us into the future. As I come to the end of my MBA academic journey, I look back at the all the beautiful paintings in my memories of my colleagues and professors at Dalhousie. I look forward to inventing the future in my next endeavours.
Editor’s Note: James is a repeat contributor on CEGE Connection. We invite you to read his first article on his work with Indigenous Services Canada and his position as a Union President in the Public Services Alliance of Canada. We wish James the very best as he invents the future in his next endeavours. We look forward to updates on his journey in future CEGE Connection posts.
IYIL2019 through UNESCO
Twitter: @IYIL2019
Facebook: @indigenouslanguages @IYIL2019
The Prince’s Trust Canada
reBoot Canada