On November 1, 2017, CFAME Connection will celebrate our first anniversary of bringing together a virtual community that thrives on the exchange of knowledge and experiences. The momentum continues as we head into our second year of existence.
In our first year, CFAME Connection launched seven dialogues that served as catalysts for deeper conversations. A special thanks to our alumni community for engaging and sharing their insights.
Nancy Fijan: Leading the Virtual Team
Irena Stropnik: Marks vs. Scholarship
Wanita Fonseka: Getting It Right – a Graduate’s Perspective
Julia Yan: Research – a Graduate’s Response
Michael Archibald: Celebrating Milestones
Jim Spitali: A Passion for Learning
Randy Coutts: Fourteen Years Later
Tyler Saito: The Deeper Learning Experience
Tanya Chedrawy: Small Talk, Big Ideas and Social Media Engagement
Liseanne Cadieux: Social Media and Information Management
Shawna Wakeman: Thriving Within Complexity
Michael Ford: Learn, Adapt, Change
Pierre Ghorbanian: Life After Graduation

CFAME – Centre of Excellence
On September 13, 2017, Dr. Sylvain Charlebois introduced Dalhousie Faculty of Management’s strategic plan, Expanding the Experience. A new vision, Inspiring Transformational Solutions for Society, gives a sense of purpose to do better for communities, both local and global. CFAME Connection has benefited from professors who have demonstrated their commitment to this vision of building on current strengths and partnerships, and focusing on experiential learning and internationalization. Dalhousie’s Faculty of Management is confronting the major management challenges of our generation and welcomes the opportunity to dialogue with their community of students, alumni and stakeholders.
Special thanks to Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Dr. Martine Durier-Copp, Dr. Cam McLarney, Dr. Binod Sundararajan, Dr. Joyline Makani and Dr. Rick Nason.
CFAME Connection acknowledges the valuable assistance of a remarkable CFAME Team:
Michelle Hunter, Morven Fitzgerald, Derek Tay, Moragh MacAulay, and Marianne Hagen
There are many more discussions waiting for us in the upcoming year. 2018 has special significance as we commemorate Dalhousie University’s 200th Anniversary.
We enjoy sharing stories of graduates. We also want to have repeat contributors to discuss current thoughts regarding leadership, communication, governance and information management. Please let us know if you are interested in joining CFAME Connection: Year 2, The Continuing Journey.
With warm appreciation,
Michelle & Rebecca