Yvonne Thevenot MBA(FS) Class of 1999
Fear of Missing Out… A newish acronym associated with social media, but truly has been around as long as kids have been picking sides for baseball, or one group got to go hunting while the other stayed home to help. Of course, it doesn’t just apply to children – every day it sparks motivation in adults to join Club(houses), to gather Apples, and to take on 10-day picture posting challenges.
Fear of Going Out… Ok, I admit it. When I see someone without a mask, I just can’t help the “Hey You” reaction in my brain, heart and stomach. And when I see the CUTE little baby next door, I catch my breath and abruptly take 2 steps back instead of doing what every fibre of my soul wants to do but lean in and smell that baby smile.
Fear is powerful motivator. Fear of action, fear of inaction. And eventually that fear takes its toll. People get tired, worn to a place that sleep doesn’t solve, and even the acts of renewal – nature, reading, song and dance – don’t scrub the fear away… unless… we reframe, we relearn, we reinvent. Add to that some amazing support networks to make happen…to listen, to encourage, to champion, to check in.
So here’s my hope…. from FOMO to FOGO…to YOLO… just for YOU….