Kim Brooks
Dean, Faculty of Management
Purdy Crawford Chair in Business Law
As we approach the start of a new academic term, I am always filled with enthusiasm. I love the idea of fresh starts: the promises we make to try harder, study more, go to the gym, and be a better academic peer and colleague.
I’m filled with that same enthusiasm this September. I’m excited to meet some of you in person, to hear about your aspirations and hopes, and to watch how our programs press you in unexpected ways and challenge you to rise to the best versions of yourselves.
But I want to temper that September message a little this year. For all kinds of global and local reasons, it’s been a year of realizations and change; a year of challenges and new possibilities. Maybe go a little easy on your expectations for yourselves and for others in the face of that. September brings promise and hope and new commitments, but you don’t have to be perfect. Find some time to drink coffee and to enjoy the changing colours of the leaves (if you are in Canada, at least!).
I always love hearing how things are going. So, find me – whether in person or by email (kim.brooks@dal.ca) – and let me know. Until that happens, embrace the start of a new semester and know that we are rooting for you.
Kim Brooks (she/her)
Dean, Faculty of Management
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
Dalhousie University
6100 University Ave, PO BOX 15000,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2