Graduations signify passages and transitions, of moving forward and of accepting new ventures and challenges.
Today, the Class of 2019 will walk across the stage to accept their degrees, marking the culmination of a rigorous academic journey.
“On behalf of the University Senate, we hereby attest that Dalhousie University has awarded the degree of…”
The emotions of gratitude and anticipation mingle together as graduates join the ranks of a vibrant alumni community. Even so, there is a wistful look back over the miles travelled since the arrival of the first textbooks.
Twenty years ago, on the eve of a new millennium, the Class of 1999 was the first to achieve the degree, MBA (Financial Services).
Over the summer months, I reached out to those who witnessed the graduation ceremonies under the banner of the Office of External Graduate Program. The inaugural convocation of the MBA(FS) was a profound and moving experience for the students, but also for those who were applauding from the sidelines.
Joseph A. Macdonald
Convocation 1999 remains top-of-mind to this day. I recall the following observations made that eventful evening. I have never been one to attend my own graduations. For me, the educational process had always been about getting the information and the designation and moving on to the next stage of life. However, my commitment to attending the MBA (FS) graduations was 100%.
Since the 1996 beginnings, our administration team had shared our students’ journeys professionally and personally. We spent time reassuring them, tutoring them, listening to their challenges and even providing a shoulder when times were especially tough.
As I stood on the corner of the graduation stage and watched each of these dedicated individuals shake the Chancellor’s hand and receive their parchment from the Registrar, I was touched, to my core, with a sense of pride that comes from watching a sibling, a close friend or one’s own child graduate. This was a far stronger and deeper feeling than anything that I had experienced following my personal achievements.
It was obvious that this group of individuals would go on to achieve much. And they have.
Michelle Hunter
Great reflection piece, Joseph. While I was fairly new to the MBA FS program team, I felt a real connection right away with the class of 1999. To this day, I beam with pride and get goose bumps as I watch graduates walk across the stage to receive their degree.
Morven Fitzgerald
I agree with Joseph and Michelle. I feel like my children are graduating. Every convocation leaves me with a warm fuzzy (and sad as they say goodbye) feeling.
CEGE Connection would like to recognize the contribution of the MBA(FS)Class of 1999 as they commemorate their twentieth-year anniversary. All our best goes out to these graduates on this very special milestone year. Thank you for your commitment to excellence, life-long learning and the communities in which you live and work.
To the graduating Class of 2019 – congratulations We are proud of your success and wish for you the very best in your future endeavours.
Memories of my MBA Financial Services Experience:
I remember at one particular point during one particular course I was absolutely sure I was not going to make it. Two young children at home, an incredibly demanding job, and more reading than I could ever imagine on the weekend path in front of me. A standing Sunday afternoon call to one of my colleagues and suddenly it all seemed doable. Play it forward then to a different course, and a same but different moment for one of my classmates. Heading into the final and standing in the washroom with a few tears. I just borrowed that rally-up-you-can-do-this speech I’d heard just a few months earlier, and like magic we came out of the washroom laughing, hugging and ready to face the world. That’s what this MBA was all about to me – not the courses, not the piece of paper at the end, just the people. And how amazing is that!
Yvonne Thevenot
Consultant at RBC
Getting to see the campus through the eyes of a mature student and quickly realizing what a vibrant place Dalhousie and Halifax are. The camaraderie and willingness to assist from both the faculty and my fellow classmates was amazing. Yes we were competitive but in a helpful way.
Judy Kealey MBA, Director, AML Operations
Scotiabank, Global Operations
“- Being the first MBA-FS class- we all fought together to do our MBAs – reviewing, pushing, pulling and working together. It was a remarkable time for all of us. “
Brenda Becker
My fondest memory is the first week of the very first intensive session in Halifax. Seeing all of my fellow students for the first time, face-to-face and sitting together with them for the lectures. We all really felt part of something very special! And it was!
Mike Floyd, Executive Vice President at PlanPlus Global