“Mission accomplished! My kayaker and I safely made the crossing from NB to PEI, in 5 hour and 40 minutes, in which I swam approximately 16 KMs. My kayaker plotted a near perfect arc/trajectory and weather/sea conditions were ideal, other than higher swells near the midpoint!”
Stephen J. Boyd MBA(FS) Class of 2018

Mission Accomplished Stephen J. Boyd
Stephen Boyd accepted the challenge of the BIG SWIM held on August 18, 2019. Over the past months, Stephen focused on training for this “epic” swim. CEGE Connection has been following Stephen on his journey: The Big Swim – A Give to Live Project.

“I reminded myself that I had taken on an epic feat of endurance. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Going beyond takes a person to the next level of personal fulfillment. It builds resilience to seek out the next challenge. I am certain that I will do other marathon swimming events.”
Stephen J. Boyd MBA(FS) Class of 2018
The BIG SWIM charity event, held in August each year, combines a feat of endurance, swimming from New Brunswick to PEI, with the opportunity to raise funds for an awesome charity. The BIG SWIM is not a race and supports swimmers of all abilities to get out into the Northumberland Strait and achieve the unimaginable. For normal people who cross the Northumberland Strait by bridge or ferry, the distance is roughly 13 kilometers. Due to currents, and other unknowns, we are told that the average swimmer will cover 15+ kilometers. It is a truly an epic undertaking.

Michelle Hunter and I want to thank Stephen for sharing his remarkable journey over the past months on CEGE Connection. Well done! Congratulations!
Rebecca Budd,
CEGE Connection Blog Coordinator
Mission Accomplished
Check out the news link on CTV Atlantic Canada for more detail of the August 18, 2019 event.
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