“It is our hope that the Dalhousie journey does not end with the completion of the program. Our graduates go on to do amazing things – academically, professionally and life altering. The relationships that evolve over the course of the academic years at Dalhousie are truly valued. As alumni of Dalhousie, graduates become part of a larger, global community.”
Michelle Hunter

Michelle Hunter
Associate Director (Administration
I take this opportunity, as we celebrate DAL200, to reflect upon my 25 years with Dalhousie University. I have witnessed many changes, been involved in countless exciting and challenging adventures and met thousands of wonderful people.
When I started with the Centre for Advanced Management, (originally OEPG), my role was to provide support to applicants and students of the MBA (Financial Services) program. I found my home! Over the years, I was honoured to provide “behind the scenes” assistance to individuals who embarked on a profound and robust academic journey.
In the beginning, the blended/distance program was a relatively new delivery concept to the Faculty of Management and Dalhousie. Together, our Faculty of Management team and incoming students demonstrated that high quality teaching and learning could be achieved without having a physical presence on campus.
The MBA (Financial Services) program, and later the MPA (Management), and Management of Information Management programs, offered working professionals with a unique opportunity to continue with their professional careers and personal obligations while achieving a post-graduate degree. Many students joined the program primarily for career advancement, however they soon discovered that the path to earning a degree presented much more: deeper learning, strategic thinking, confidence, a new way of looking at the challenges they face, and of course, life-long relationships. Recently, I was reminded of these enduring friendships, when I received a photo from a 1999 graduate, depicting a large group of fellow alum at a dinner arranged by the group without Dalhousie involvement.
Over the years, advances in technology have enhanced the delivery of CFAME programs. From facsimile machines to video conferences, live classroom sessions, webcasts, etc., what remained constant was the dedication to deeper learning, exploration and discovery, the staple of higher education. Students bring a vast amount of knowledge to the classroom, which strengthens the experience for everyone.
It is our hope that the Dalhousie journey does not end with the completion of the program. Our graduates go on to do amazing things – academically, professionally and life altering. The relationships that evolve over the course of academic years at Dalhousie are truly valued. As alumni of Dalhousie, graduates become part of a larger, global community.
The goal of CFAME Connection is to enrich the Dalhousie experience and keep our alumni relationships strong (knowledge sharing, deeper learning, building relationship, staying connected).
I want to send thanks to all our students, alumni and faculty for participating in the CFAME Connection conversation, and special thanks to Rebecca (MBA FS 2003) for making it all happen.
Michelle Hunter
Associate Director (Administration)
Centre for Advanced Management Education
January 2018