Pierre Ghorbanian, Business Development Director, BMO Insurance, Advanced Markets
Pierre Ghorbanian, MBA(FS), crossed the stage in 2016. As Business Development Director, BMO Insurance, Advanced Markets, Pierre’s primary mandate is the promotion of advanced case strategies within the independent advisor channel. He is active in supporting the product and concept development team at BMO Insurance.
In a recent virtual interview with CFAME Connection, Pierre reflected upon the year since graduation, and how his academic journey influenced and added depth to his personal and professional experiences.
Pierre Ghorbanian:
Congratulations to the Class of 2017. All the very best as you pursue new projects and challenges. Welcome to our vibrant alumni community.
For a few months after the capstone course, it will feel strange to have free time. Like many other graduates, I miss the interaction with other students and professors. The professors, having led interesting lives, provided great perspectives on issues or topics at hand. I especially enjoyed the intensives as they offered great opportunities to engage in authentic conversations. Within this safe and collaborative environment, students could speak freely, listen to other view points, and network with others from a wide range of financial institutions and lines of businesses.
How did the MBA influence your choices and decisions?
The most significant influence relates to how I recognize the human element behind my decision-making. When we problem-solve or examine issues, whether individually or within a group structure, we must be mindful of the outcomes on stakeholders. Management decisions can be positive or negative for employees, intermediaries, and external end users. It is critical not to get lost in product design or processes.
Have you changed your life’s priorities?
A combination of completing the program (and the feeling of accomplishment that came with it) along with a recent health incident has resulted in reprioritizing my goals. I have reconnected with what is most important in my life, which has led to a better and more creative work/life balance. I tell myself that I am running a marathon and not a race; and to enjoy the moment now.
How have you integrated the knowledge you acquired from your MBA Studies?
My MBA journey taught me to undertake extensive background research on a topic or issue before tackling a situation. I also make it a point to open up my course notes, from time to time, for a quick refresher. Usually something occurs which triggers a memory. I find that I learn something new that I may not have fully understood the first time around.
Learning did not stop when I graduated. Looking back over the past year, I recognize, more than ever before, the importance of continuing life-long learning.