Dalhousie Faculty of Management
There are five elements of a short story: character, setting, plot, conflict, theme. I would like to add a sixth element: celebration.
This year, CFAME is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the MBA (FS). Graduates came together on November 30th to remember and reconnect. Many stories were told that night, but there was one narrative, shared by two men, that embodied the best of the five elements. Without these two men, there would be no celebration or memories, no reason to meet at 6100 University Avenue, Halifax and no MBA (FS) offered by Dalhousie University.
In upcoming posts, Ray Klapstein and Rosaire Couturier, will recount the genesis of the MBA(FS).
“I was just a lowly Associate Prof at the time, with no experience in designing and securing approval of a new program – naïve and ignorant. Given that, I resolved to present the concept to our President (Dalhousie), Tom Traves (whom I had yet to meet) …” Ray Klapstein
“It took more than fifteen years to achieve what may reasonably be termed a breakthrough, and Dalhousie was the very first Canadian University to establish a graduate level degree program as part of the Faculty of Business curriculum.” Rosaire Couturier
“Everyone involved believed in it and all involved (most notably Rosaire Couturier, Tom Traves, and Phil Rosson) were always as good as their word – commitments given were always commitments fulfilled.” Ray Klapstein
Next post: Before There were Students, there was an Idea