Gillian Ward is a third-year Bachelor of Management student, majoring in Globalization, with interests in marketing and international business. She attended the Halifax Corporate Tour in 2016, and participated in the marketing stream, visiting Cosette, Emera, Corporate Research Associates, and Affinio.
Offering Marketing, Accounting/Finance, and Career Discovery streams, the Halifax Corporate Tour provides students the opportunity to learn about different industries and companies in the city. In Gillian’s opinion, having the ability to choose the stream that best suits your interests, helps students immerse themselves in a field, or fields, they want to learn more about.
Gillian reflects on the tour as, “an incredible experience that gave me great insight into career exploration and advancement.”
“I was able to make valuable connections with business professionals from various companies during the Corporate Tour. I would recommend this great opportunity to any Commerce or Management student as it can help students network and can help solidify which discipline and career path they wish to pursue.”
When asked how the tour affected her, Gillian stated, “the tour influenced my career path because I had the chance to see positions that I was interested in pursuing.”
Interested in the Halifax Corporate Tour? Attend our information session September 25 at 1:15pm in Room 2068 to learn more about why you should participate in this year’s tour and how to register!
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