Do you want to improve your skills for developing KT plans in research?
Do you want to learn new strategies for communicating your research findings to specific audiences and through the media?
Do you want your research to have more of an impact on policy?
The Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF) and the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre (AHPRC) at Dalhousie University will host a two day practice-oriented Knowledge Translation (KT) training workshop in Halifax, NS on August 27-28, 2012.
The workshop will help researchers, KT professionals and educators to develop fundamental skills and competencies around creating and implementing a KT plan that will:
- improve research impact
- promote research utilization
- ensure that research findings reach the appropriate audiences
Course instructors:
Melanie Barwick, Ph.D., C.Psych is a Registered Psychologist with a primary role as a health Systems Scientist in the Community Health Systems Resource Group at The Hospital for Sick Children. She is an Associate Scientist and inaugural Director of Knowledge Translation for the Child Health and Evaluative Sciences program of the Research Institute with appointments in Psychiatry and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
Donna Lockett, Ph.D., is a knowledge broker and knowledge translation specialist, most recently for the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Donna previously worked for the Community Health Research Team at the University of Ottawa as a senior research associate.
Monday, August 27 and Tuesday, August 28, 2012
8:30 am – 4:30 pm Halifax, NS (Exact location TBA)
Course registration is limited to 25 participants. Please register your interest in participating by April 27, 2012 on the NSHRF website.
A registration fee of approximately $150 per serson will be charged to help offset workship costs.
For additional details about the Scientist KT Training workshop visit the website.
Contact Linda Waterhouse, NSHRF at or by phone at (902) 424-4537.