The Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre (AHPRC) and the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation co-hosted a Knowledge Translation (KT) training workshop on Aug 27-28 at Dalhousie University. Forty people from 10 institutions participated in the 2 day workshop.
The highly regarded interactive workshop helped researchers, KT professionals and educators develop their skills and competencies for creating and implementing a KT plan aimed at: improving research impact; promoting research utilization; and ensuring that research findings are used. For more information about the Scientist Knowledge Translation Training Workshop see
Thirteen workshop participants were affiliates of the Faculty of Health Professions, including: Sandra Crowell, Meredith Flannery, Susan McWilliam, Mary McNally (AHPRC), Grace Warner and Heidi Lauckner (Occupational Therapy), Susan Hutchinson, Jessie Lee MacIsaac, Terry Murray-Arnold, and Tarra Penney (Health and Human Performance), Anne Mahalik (Health Sciences), Tanis Jurgens, Ingrid Sketris, Anne Marie Whelan (Pharmacy).
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