Think Tank participants (L-R) - Kristin MacLellan, Ruth Martin-Meisner, Linda Young, Patricia Austin, Ruta Valaitis, Lisa Grandy, Fred Burge, Donna Meagher-Stewart, Paula English. (Photo - Nick Pearce)
As part of the project, “Strengthening Primary Health Care through Primary Health Care and Public Health Collaboration,” Dalhousie recently hosted a Think Tank that brought together more than 65 policy makers, representatives from national and provincial organizations, administrators, educators, researchers, managers and front-line staff from across Nova Scotia. The project is sponsored by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and is led by Ruta Valatis of McMaster University. Donna Meagher-Stewart (Nursing) is Nova Scotia site lead and Ruth Martin-Meisner (Nursing) is a co-investigator on the project. To learn more, read the story in DalNews.
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