AHPRC has expanded their website. Have a look at: www.ahprc.dal.ca. In particular, we want to draw your attention to a new research project portal that contains educational materials aimed at improving daily oral care for older persons living in long term care.
The website is a vital knowledge translation tool resulting from the NSHRF-funded research project “Brushing Up on Mouth Care” led by Dr. Mary McNally, Faculty of Dentistry and AHPRC Research Associate. Collaborators from the Faculty of Health Professions include: Karen McNeil (Coordinator), Ruth Martin-Misener and Sandra Crowell.
The educational materials available on the website are designed for care providers and include: a series of oral care cards, oral health assessment forms, fact sheets containing information on various oral health conditions and products, videos and more.
All print materials and the videos can be downloaded or viewed on the AHPRC website at: http://www.ahprc.dal.ca/projects/oral-care/
For additional information contact: Karen McNeil, Coordinator at 494- 3094 or karen.mcneil@dal.ca
Atheana Cage says
Thanks for sharing. I’ll teach this to my mom.