Yvonne Thevenot MBA(FS) Class of 1999
Let’s face it. People are tired. In many communities across Canada we have had a week of added restrictions, and the holiday season we were allowing ourselves to believe might be a version of “normal” slipping from sight.
One very real challenge with change leadership is that the silence of resignation, and the flat responses of apathy, can be mistaken for change adoption. This is particularly valid when we are interacting primarily through channels that do not provide the full context that “the whites of their eyes” might provide.
So, this week’s homework, leaders, is to just say yes. Not “yes but”, not “maybe just give me three alternatives and a recommendation”, just “yes”. There is nothing more energizing in a workplace than the support that comes from a calm and confident “yes”. And if you are really feeling the moment “Yes, what a great idea”, “Yes, how can I help?”, “Yes, and what else have you been thinking about?”. For the elite players out there, ready to level up, try it at home too!
I just can’t wait to hear your stories of discovery and adventure that arise from just saying “yes”. ‘
#saturdaymorningmusings #leadership #storytelling #justsayyes #changefatigue #resilienceatwork #success #unleashthepotential