Strategic Financial Management (MPA(M))
The virtual winter term Intensives are in full swing; some have ended, some are just beginning, and some are in the thick of it. Our MIM, MPA(M) and MBA(FS) program courses end with a two-to-four-day Intensive session in which students can solidify and apply their newly gained knowledge presented in the concepts, theories, and learning objectives of the course.
So, what should students expect during the intensive sessions?
CEGE Connection reached out to Chris Strutt, who is in the MPA(M) program at the Centre for Executive and Graduate Education. Soon to graduate, Chris shares his thoughts with fellow students on how to prepare for their first Intensive.
Chris Strutt, MPA(M) Class of 2021
Parole Officer
Congratulations on making it to the end of your first course in the MPA(M)!
Honestly, in my experience over the past 12 courses, the Intensives have always been the best part of the class. Not just because they signal the end of 12 weeks of hard work, but everything we have learned and discussed in the course will suddenly come together. Intensives are the best opportunity to finally put the theory and concepts into actual practice with some real-world application.
My biggest piece of advice is pay attention during the Intensive. You have completed your assignments and reviewed your course notes and text. The Intensives are your opportunity to ask questions. Our professors are fully engaged with students and are committed to providing the highest level of teaching. By the end of the Intensive, you will understand the course materials and will be prepared for the exam. Based on your efforts over the past four months, you are ready to be tested. The readings, assignments, and term project have prepared you, not only to complete an examination, but to think strategically within your chosen career path.
While Covid19 prevented us from meeting in a classroom, every effort was made to ensure that there was a sense of belonging that fostered exploration and teamwork. We are learning to connect virtually. Ask questions, share ideas, and participate in discussions and real-world collaborations. Use the Intensive to review and integrate main concepts, consolidate information and dialogue with your peers. You will have an amazing time.
All the very best in your studies,
Chris Strutt, MPA(M) Class of 2021