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Branding is the art of engaging an individual in the emotional appeal of a name. “What’s in a Name?” is a fundamental question facing organizations seeking to differentiate their product or service. Selecting and maintaining a robust brand name, combines the disciplines of science and psychology, which work together to convey ideas such as excellence, trustworthiness, and integrity. A name carries an embedded promise that transcends the life-cycle of a product or service.
CFAME has the qualities of a resilient brand. But it has a history that only those who were at the beginning remember. Did you know that in 1996, CFAME was simply known as the MBA (Financial Services) office? It wasn’t until 2000, when the MBA (FS) team joined forces with the MPA(M) and MBA (IT) teams under one roof that a search for a new name began.
As Michelle recalls, “well, to be honest, we were always under one roof – but in different locations in the Faculty of Management building – so we needed a name to identify our new department. Because we were one of the only departments that offered off campus graduate programs, the name Office of External Graduate Programs (OEGP) came to life.”
Office of External Graduate Programs, as a brand, had a place for a time. Many graduated under the banner of OEGP. But times change and events create opportunities to revisit the name. Dalhousie had other programs that offered off-campus graduate programs. Even more challenging, OEGP was being confused with the Office of External Relations which offered non-graduate studies, workshops and professional education.
As the year 2005 approached, the quest for new name was launched. In March 2005, CFAME came into being. The Centre for Advanced Management Education was the outcome of a united decision of all stakeholders.
The idea of brand and names will continue to be a talking point going forward. There may come a day when CFAME’s name will encounter a new iteration. But until that time, what endures is a vibrant history that belong to all graduates.
Stay tuned for the next post: Commitments Given – Commitments Fulfilled