Republished from CEGE Connection Blog | December 7, 2021
“The Dalhousie MBA FS/L program has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my educational journey”.
Judith Chambers, MBA(L), Class of 2022
Judith Chambers, MBA(L), Class of 2022
Photo Provided
Judith Chambers’ MBA journey begin five years ago, and she’s looking forward to graduating in 2022. The intensive sessions and connections made, remain a highlight for the program, and continue to serve as a motivational driver for many participants.
Both MBA students and Alumni alike will agree that the Faculty and Staff of the CEGE program are the best around. Judith highlights a handful of Professors that have left an impression by way of inspiring.
Judith Chambers
In my final few courses of the MBA Leadership program and I could not be prouder of this accomplishment. I started on this journey in the winter of 2016 and expect to graduate in the spring of 2022. When I decided to pursue a Master’s degree, I considered several other Universities, however it was the blended program delivery and the flexibility at Dalhousie that was the deciding factor. A key part of my decision-making process was the work life balance.
From the very first interaction with CEGE’s Sarah Hayes and Michelle Hunter I felt welcome and inspired. The ability to connect with others in the program and make new and lasting friendships was an added benefit. The on-campus intensives were by far my favorite part of the program. It has been these connections that provided ongoing motivation and support to get through some of those more difficult courses.
The Professors in each course were highly interactive and accessible. I was fortunate to take a couple of courses with Professor Jim Barker and Professor Heidi Weigand who challenged me to think outside the box and helped to develop my leadership style and management skills. In my current course Leading in Complexity with Professor Rick Nason and yes, the same Dr. Nason who teaches Corporate Finance, the course has so far been unique, inspiring and fun.
As a lifelong learner the Dalhousie MBA FS/L program has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my educational journey. This experience has helped me develop and grow both personally and professionally and I cannot wait to graduate and be part of the amazing alumni at Dalhousie.