Wanita Fonseka MBS(FS) Class of 2013
Wanita Fonseka, Vice-President of Operations for Meridian, walked across the stage in 2013 to receive her MBA (FS). A financial service professional with over 20 years in retail branch and corporate experience, Wanita identified with Dr. McLarney’s discussion on Marks vs. Scholarship. Wanita believes that sustainable results, whether they are work related or personal endeavours, are a consequence of creating a climate of trust, encouraging diversity of thought, and leveraging individual talents. Dr. McLarney’s words “the enormous obligation to get it right,” resonated, especially given the many priorities that mark our days.
“Getting it right,” noted Wanita in a telephone interview with CFAME Connection, “is more than a career responsibility. It is about balancing work achievements with personal successes, by engaging in a compassionate and generous community.” Wanita contends that career opportunities, family commitments, and life-long learning goals are compatible when we are surrounded by a supportive environment.
Wanita Fonseka:
“I am delighted to participate in the “Marks vs. Scholarship” dialogue. A special thanks to Dr. McLarney and Irena Stropnik. CFAME Connection is a fantastic opportunity to connect and share experiences.
What is balance anyway? Does it mean distribution of yourself equally amongst everything that is included in work and life? It certainly cannot be so. If you are like me, you spend many, many, many hours at work without recognition for how quickly the hands on the clock are moving. Next thing you know, you are late for that Karate class that you promised you would take your son to, or forgot that you told your friends that you would call them back, or did not check in on your mother with memory lapse to see how she’s coping… and the list goes on and on.
There cannot be an equal distribution on a daily basis. What works for me may not work for you. What you place a greater emphasis on, I may not. What I do know is that I am surrounded by a support system that does not judge who I am, applauds me for what I do, challenges me to try new things, and will tell me that they need me when they feel I have drifted. It is a system that is made up of colleagues, family, friends (new and old), teachers (not just by profession), children, blogs, books, and articles. I find balance in reaching out to those in my support system and that means whenever and wherever. It means booking things in calendars so they are not missed, it means leaning on those event coordinators (you know who you are) that plan vacations, dinners, and impromptu get-togethers.
Balance is what you make it; and it has made all the difference in my life.