Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Learn everything you can while you are on your residency. Ask questions of your boss and co-workers; it will show them that you are enthusiastic about learning everything you can about your new position. You are not expected to know everything when you start, and people are usually happy to help.
Be willing to come in early and stay late
Don’t just be on time, be 10 minutes early. At the end of the day, don’t watch the clock and be the first person to hit the exit. Show your boss and co-workers that you have a positive work ethic. Ensure that your work is done and if possible, offer to help a co-worker finish a project so that you can both head out the door.
Dress to impress
You will be judged by your appearance. If you show up to work in casual clothes, and the expectation is formal business attire, you will not evaluated favourably. Model your clothing choices on your boss or supervisor.
Request feedback
Ask for regular updates about your performance. Don’t wait for a scheduled performance review; ask your supervisor for a meeting to discuss how you are doing. That ensures that if you have developed some undesirable habits, you will be aware and able to work on changing them before they become too ingrained.
Take the initiative
Don’t be afraid to ask for more things to do if you are light on work. If your boss is not available to give you more projects, offer to help a co-worker who is struggling to meet a deadline. If you see a more efficient way to do something, suggest it to your boss. There may be a reason it’s not already being done that way, but by making an informed suggestion, you will demonstrate that you are interested and keen to be of service.
Network/build relationships
Use every opportunity that you can to network and make connections. Networking can be done anytime, anyplace, and with anyone. You never know who will be sitting next to you in the lunch room. Make the effort; you never know when it will pay off or how the connections you make during this work term may lead to opportunities in the future.
Make a great impression
There are all kinds of things that you can do to make a great impression during your work term. Start on day one by being authentic, hard-working, interested, and enthusiastic about your new position. Make the most of it!
Leave on a high note
Make sure you’ve met all the obligations and completed all projects. Ensure that your files, contacts, and workspace are all left in an orderly manner so that someone moving into that position can easily pick up where you’ve left off. Don’t leave without making a point of thanking your colleagues for the experience, and leaving the door open for an ongoing connection with your colleagues and the organization. Keep the campsite rule in mind: try to leave the place better than you found it!
To get more ideas on how to make the most of your work term, check out these links.
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