This information specifically pertains to Bachelor of Commerce Co-op students and Bachelor of Management Internship students embarking (or remaining) on a work term this fall.
To opt in to the UPass for the fall term, you must visit the DalCard Office (6230 Coburg Road, Howe Hall) and provide proof that you are on an approved work term in the Halifax Regional Municipality. They will provide you with a sticker and charge your student account. Stickers are available now via the DalCard Office service windows facing Coburg Road. Pick up hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
To prove your work term details, you can either:
- (recommended) print a copy of your approved work term record to take with you to the DalCard Office as proof.
- login to myCareer and show your approved work term on your phone at the DalCard Office.
To print your work term record:
- Login to myCareer, click on Management Career Services.
- Scroll down to locate your co-op sequence on the right-hand side of the screen
- Click the link for the appropriate work term to access your work term record.
- Click the blue Print Work Term Detail button that appears, to generate a copy of your work term record and then print it.
Please note for the DalCard Office to issue your UPass, your work term record must be approved by Management Career Services, the approved work term details completed and your work term must be in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Please contact your assigned Career and Recruitment Specialist if your submitted work term record has yet to be approved.
Dalplex Access:
Dalhousie students do not pay full-time student services fees while on co-op work terms, which means they do not have access to Dalplex or Sexton Memorial Gym until they return to classes on a full-time basis. Visit Dalplex directly to purchase a term membership or for rate information, call 902-494-3372. Dalplex re-opened on a phased approach as of August 4. Read full details here.
Health Plan:
This is a reminder that all students who are participating in Co-op for the fall term are NOT automatically billed for the DSU Health and Dental Plan or the DSU International Health Plan (International Students). You can confirm if an opt-in is required by checking your tuition statement.
Students going on a Co-op in the fall term who are not already being charged for a DSU provided Health Plan, and who wish to have coverage from September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021 must opt in by no later than September 18, 2020.
If your Fall co-op takes place outside the province of Nova Scotia: Both the DSU Health & Dental Plan and the DSU International Student Health Plan are valid across Canada. Contact the DSU Health Plan Office by email ( to confirm your travel coverage. This is particularly important for international students as travel coverage may be more limited.
If your Fall co-op takes place outside of Canada in your home country: coverage may not apply; contact the DSU Health Plan Office by email ( for more information.
You can also participate in an “opting-in/out Q&A” session on Zoom every Tuesday from 11:00AM-11:45AM AST. ZOOM ID: 986 158 9719 | ZOOM Password: 992592
Visit to opt-in or for more information, including additional important COVID-19 updates.
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