Meet Terralynn Trask, better known to her friends as “T”, a Bachelor of Management student and a self-proclaimed “pure Haligonian”. After stepping away from classes to backpack through Australia and Fiji, Terralynn is now completing her internship with Cossette East Marketing. As a Client Service Coordinator, “T” took part in the planning and executing of various marketing campaigns as well as being the lead contact for many clients.
“I thoroughly enjoyed my internship at Cossette East. I gained first-hand experience in what it takes to work in a marketing and advertising agency, the skills you need in order to be successful, and the level of excellence that is required for the work produced. Everything I learned here at Cossette East was valuable. It all added up.
It was of the upmost importance to me to bring value to Cossette East during my internship. I wanted my boss and my coworkers to see that I brought quality ideas and dedication to my work. I want to leave Cossette East knowing that they, too, gained something during my 8 months of being here and that this internship was valuable for both of us.”
Note: Apply now for the 2014 Bachelor of Management Internship Program. Full details have been posted to our website along with the application form. Bachelor of Management students who are in the second year of the program are eligible to apply to the Internship Program. The deadline to apply for the Bachelor of Management Internship Program is Thursday, January 30, 2014 (for Internships commencing in May or September 2015).
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