InteRACT director Linda Wozniak (green shirt, left) works with students and patients (Danny Abriel photo)
InteRACT, an acronym for “Intensive Residential Aphasia Communication Therapy” celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The four-and-a-half week immersion program delivered by Dalhousie’s School of Human Communication Disorders brings patients and a communication partner to Halifax for intense rehabilitation designed to develop the skills to jumpstart or sustain their recovery.
The patients come from all across North America, from Scottsdale, Arizona to Mt. Pearl, Newfoundland, as there are only a handful of other programs that offer a rehabilitation experience as intensive as InteRACT. (A few that are similar, including programs in Chicago and in British Columbia, are actually based on the InteRACT model). The program involves both individual therapy sessions and group activities – not just at Dal, but also in the community. And students in the Master’s program program play a crucial part in that treatment regime.
The InteRACT program is working to expand its business model to support more patients. Learn more about the program at http://www.aphasiaaction.com/ or make a donation to the program online.
There will also be a fundraiser for all of the School of Human Communications Disroders’ aphasia clinic services (including InteRACT, the communication group and book club) on March 30 from 7-9:30 p.m. at George Wright Hall (989 Young Avenue). The event will feature wine and cheese, a silent auction and live entertainment. Tickets are $20 at the door (or by email st442663@dal.ca or mn412838@dal.ca).
For the full story, see the Dal News article: http://www.dal.ca/news/2012/03/22/teaching-how-to-talk-again.html?utm_source=NoticeDigest&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dalnews