If you or someone you know was invited to participate, don’t forget about the chance to WIN a $200 VISA GIFT CARD or one of ten $50 VISA GIFT CARDS for every survey completed!
Receive An Invitation?
Receive an invitation? Visit https://www.dal.ca/sites/daltrac/novatrac-info.html for more information!
Highway 111: Brinton Photography (https://www.brintonphotography.ca/)
NovaTRAC Halifax Survey
If you received an invitation letter, please participate in the NovaTRAC Halifax survey to help inform transportation planning and policy!
Website: https://www.dal.ca/sites/daltrac/novatrac-info.html
Halifax Aerial Panorama: Brinton Photography (https://www.brintonphotography.ca/)
NovaTRAC Halifax Survey Video
Want to learn more about the NovaTRAC Halifax Survey and why you should participate? Watch the PLANifax video below and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
2018 NovaTRAC Halifax Survey
Invitation letters for the 2018 Nova Scotia Travel Activity (NovaTRAC) Halifax Survey are in the mail!
The survey will collect information about your household and household members’ daily travel activities (when, where, why and how they travel) to inform planning and policy-making.
If you were selected or know someone who has been selected, please encourage them to complete the survey! Participation is entirely voluntary and information will be kept strictly confidential.
There is also an opportunity to WIN a $200 VISA gift card or one of ten $50 VISA gift cards for every household survey completed.
For more information, please visit
Founding Fellow of the MacEachen Institute
Congratulations Dr. Ahsan Habib!
On June 14th, our DalTRAC Director was appointed to be a Founding Fellow of the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance at Dalhousie University.
Connect Smart Workshop
On the 16th February, 2018 (Friday), DalTRAC hosted the Connect Smart workshop to engage professionals in thinking about the future of mobility in Nova Scotia. The workshop is part of the province’s Connect 2 grant program. The workshop opened the floor up for discussion about the issues and needs for future mobility in Nova Scotia, the short and long term planning goals, and our shared mobility vision.
There were attendees from the municipal and provincial governments, community groups (e.g. CarShare Atlantic), and interested students from Dalhousie University.
Connect Smart Workshop
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to invite you to attend the Connect Smart workshop on the 16th of February 2018. Join the Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) for an afternoon of presentation and discussion about emerging technologies that are shaping the future of transportation. Help us develop a shared vision to plan for the future of mobility in Nova Scotia. The workshop is supported by the Nova Scotia Department of Energy through ConnectSmart project under the Connect2 program. Please feel free to forward the invitation to anyone interested in future technology and transportation.
Date: February 16th, 2018 (Friday)
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Dalhousie University, Exhibition Room, Ralph M. Medjuck Building (H building)
5410 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS
RSVP: daltrac@dal.ca
For more information and/or to RSVP by 14th February, please contact: Leen Romaneh (daltrac@dal.ca)
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting: Day 2
Today, some of DalTRAC’s students will be presenting at the TRB annual meeting.
From 8.00 am to 9.45 am (PST):
- Urban Freight Network and Emission Modeling for Port City Halifax, Canada: A Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Commercial Vehicles Movement by Pauline Laila Bela and Muhammad Habib, Session 513, Presentation 18-06689
- The Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Emergency Health Services Vehicle Demand: A Poisson Hurdle Regression Modeling Approach by Babatope Olajide, Muhammad Habib, Mikiko Terashima and Sara Campbell, Session 517, Presentation 18-05049
- Microsimulation of Life Stages, Residential Mobility, and Location Choice Processes by Mahmudur Fatmi and Muhammad Habib, Session 517, Presentation 18-06658
- Investigation of Subjective Well-Being, Travel, Built Environment, and Attitudes: A Random-Parameters Ordered Choice Modeling Approach by Stephen McCarthy and Muhammad Habib, , Session 713, Presentation 18-05015

Dr. Ahsan Habib with M.A.Sc student Pauline Bela at the TRB Annual Meeting on the 9th of January, 2018

Dr. Ahsan Habib with Ph.D student Nazmul Arefin at the TRB Annual Meeting on the 9th of January, 2018

Dr. Ahsan Habib with Ph.D student Jahedul Alam at the TRB Annual Meeting on the 9th of January, 2018
DalTRAC students invited to present in the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB)
In January 2018, six DalTRAC students will present six research papers at the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) in Washington, D.C. The sessions’ information can be found below:
- Urban Freight Network and Emission Modeling for Port City Halifax, Canada: A Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Commercial Vehicles Movement by Pauline Laila Bela and Muhammad Habib, Session 513, Presentation 18-06689, Tuesday January 9, 8:00 am-9:45 am
- The Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Emergency Health Services Vehicle Demand: A Poisson Hurdle Regression Modeling Approach by Babatope Olajide, Muhammad Habib, Mikiko Terashima and Sara Campbell, Session 517, Presentation 18-05049, Tuesday January 9, 8:00 am-9:45 am
- Microsimulation of Life Stages, Residential Mobility, and Location Choice Processes by Mahmudur Fatmi and Muhammad Habib, Session 517, Presentation 18-06658, Tuesday January 9, 8:00 am-9:45 am
- Investigation of Subjective Well-Being, Travel, Built Environment, and Attitudes: A Random-Parameters Ordered Choice Modeling Approach by Stephen McCarthy and Muhammad Habib, , Session 713, Presentation 18-05015, Tuesday January 9, 3:45 pm-5:30 pm
- Investigation of Tour Participation, Time Allocation, and Mode Choice: An Application of Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value-Mixed Multinomial Logit Modeling Approach by Nazmul Arefin Khan, Annesha Enam, Muhammad Habib and Karthik Konduri, Session 829, Presentation 18-06704, Wednesday January 10, 10:15 am-12:00 pm
- Evaluation of the Traffic Impacts of Mass Evacuation of Halifax: A Flood Risk and Dynamic Traffic Microsimulation Modeling by MD Jahedul Alam, Muhammad Habib, Kevin Quigley and Tim Webster, Session 862, Presentation 18-06677, Wednesday January 10, 2:30 pm-4:00 pm