Originally posted by Jordan Fujiwara.
This week we’ve done something a little different with the blog. One, the format is quite different: I did the interview over Twitter (aka a “Twitterview”), which presents an interesting challenge because each thought must be expressed in less than 140 characters. Two: I interviewed an accepted student instead of a current student. We’ve been talking to a lot of current students but I thought it would be great to get the opinion of a student who will be starting with us in July!
I chose Scott A.E. Smith because he’s quite enthusiastic and has shown a lot of initiative, including starting the Corporate Residency MBA Class of 2012 Facebook Group.
The Twitterview happened live on Tuesday, open for the public to view. But following a back and forth can be downright confusing on Twitter, especially if you’re not a seasoned user. So here it is, reformatted for easy reading. Let me know what you all think about this kind of format!
Scott A.E. Smith (@scottaesmith) Twitterview with Jordy Fujiwara (@dalmba):
@dalmba: Hey Scott! Thanks for agreeing to be “Twitterview”ed. Q#1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Likes? Hobbies? Etc?
@scottaesmith: Hey Jordy! Well, my name is Scott A.E. Smith, I’m in my last year at Queen’s—I like to read, play sports, watch movies. Boring eh? Something interesting about me, I would say, is that I’m a soldier in the Canadian Forces—I’ve been in the reserves since 2nd year!
@dalmba: Sweet! Q#2: How did you first hear about our new MBA program and what about it captured your attention the most?
@scottaesmith: Last March, I read Peggy Cunningham’s interview with the Globe and Mail about how Dal was drastically overhauling its MBA program… I actually got to meet her, along with JoAnne Akerboom and a few current students, in TO in February. She is great! Everyone was!
@dalmba: Our dean is great! Q#3: Have you ever been to #Halifax, Nova Scotia? Just how excited are you to come here and rock this MBA?
@scottaesmith Believe it or not, I’ve never been to #Halifax. But I’ve heard nothing but good things from current #MBA students and Dal alums!
@dalmba: Q#4: What sort of career are you looking at for the future, and how do you think this new #MBA program is going to help you?
@scottaesmith: More than anything, I want to work for a great company. The program’s Employer Partners are like a who’s who of the best in Canada. I want to be the best leader that I can be. The program’s personalized, employer-friendly curriculum is the fastest way to do that.
@dalmba: We do have some impressive partners! Q#5: Do you have any specific companies/industries in mind for your Corporate Residency?
@scottaesmith: Well, my grandfather worked as a broadcaster for the CBC for many years, so I’d love to work there if it was the right fit for me. But I don’t think I could go wrong with TD, Scotiabank, RBC, AmEx, the Privy Council Office, or any number of others either!
@dalmba: Q#6: What do you think about the fact that this #MBA program starts in July as opposed to September, like regular programs?
@scottaesmith: I love it. Plus, this MBA program is 22 months in a row, which means no more looking for summer jobs like you do as an undergrad. And in the summer: MBA classes with great professors and classmates by day, Halifax bars and patios by night—what could be better?
@dalmba: Q#7: How do you feel about this whole “Twitterview” thing? There’s anywhere between 3 and 15,000 people tuned in right now
@scottaesmith: It’s pretty cool—I feel like we’re breaking new ground here! As you know, social networking is here to stay in the business world!
@dalmba: Q#8: You’re participating in the Canadian Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” with current students. Tell me more about that.
@scottaesmith: Well I was lucky enough to be introduced to current MBA students Katie and Jamie at an event in TO, and I’ve joined their team! The Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life is for a great cause. To support our team, please visit: http://tinyurl.com/y2uy5ss
@dalmba: Q#9: If you had to say something quick to people out there who might be considering our #MBA program, what would you say?
@scottaesmith: I would say: if you think this MBA program is for you, it probably is. The people are first-class every step of the way. Apply!
@dalmba: Well about that wraps up our Twitterview Scott! Thanks so much! I’ll post the whole thing on Thursday @ http://lnkby.me/cE
@scottaesmith: No, thank you Jordy! I had a blast. This Twitterview thing is actually a lot of fun! Looking forward to reading the blog on Thurs.
There you have it! I’ve already had some interest in doing another one of these so you might see more. I’ll be in Toronto next Thursday on Corporate Tour so expect a blog from someone working there!