From Ryan Baker and Andy Dennis of Coburg Consultants
Last Friday, the Dalhousie CRMBA’s first-year students completed their last exam – the culmination of their first academic semester here in Halifax – and can now comfortably sit back and examine the world they will soon enter when they embark on their residencies in just a few short weeks.
Similarly, the second year CRMBA students are about to enter their final academic semester before (fingers crossed) all walking across the stage together in May to proudly receive their MBA degrees.
With this final blog of 2013, we want to take the opportunity to look back on our CRMBA experiences but also to look forward and examine in one small way the world we’ll be stepping into come residencies and graduation.
Our brand ambassadorship here for the Dalhousie MBA began with a simple thought. Young, bright, and talented, each new cohort of CRMBAs enters the Rowe building every year, “and then a beautiful identity crisis happens.”
From our perspective, we say bring it on.
Why? Because it is exactly the things you miss when bogged down in heaps of midterms that are the objects of reflection later on.
Take the innovative new venture launched this fall semester called the Make a Difference Project. A combined endeavor through second year Strategy and Personal and Professional Effectiveness classes, the objective of this open-ended project is to identify an issue in the community, formulate a strategy to address that issue, and implement that strategy in order to make a lasting difference in the community. It is easy to get absorbed in the day-to-day of academic life but it is critical to take a step back when we can and ask, “how do we use what we have learned to make the world a better place?”
This question is at the core of the CRMBA program and the road to answering it begins on day one. As a young man or woman, you walk into the Rowe School of Management Building and the world may seem like an extremely daunting and big place. Take the time to learn the skills and build on your natural abilities here, and you’ll be that much more prepared to make difference out there.
There are countless opportunities to do so.
In November, Dal took to the national stage, hosting the inaugural Scotiabank Ethics in Action. Part conference, part case competition, the weekend long event focused on what it means to be an ethical business leader and the ethical challenges that will face the future of Canadian business leaders.
With the extra time we now have on our hands, we can reflect on these and other experiences we’ve had as CRMBA students. These case competitions, conferences, classes, projects, friendships and networking opportunities are incredible tools to for us as students and professionals. However, we must remember that they are just that – tools to harnessed by our ambition and employed towards a greater goal.
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “Great ambition is the passion of great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.”
It is our belief that we have been educated with excellent principles.
As we look outward on the world of commerce and business we will soon join, we here at Coburg Consultants believe that Napoleon was absolutely right but did not say enough. Just looking at a list of the CRMBA’s employer partners can show you why. Many of these firms are industry leaders in CSR, community involvement and environmental sustainability, adding to the rounded foundation CRMBA students receive throughout their education.
Our peers and alumni have gone on to work with major banks, huge CPGs, entrepreneurial incubators, and green-tech firms. They brought with them the tools for success in business, but they chose these firms based on much more than that. They retained their idealism, they remained confident in their ambition and their ability to use these tools to change the world in a real and idealistic sense. We pray they never lose this motive.
Looking back on our time with the Dalhousie CRMBA, we urge each and every candidate that passes through this program to understand the power of their ambition, the strength of their education, and the foundation they have now built to guide them.
Do not confuse dissent with disloyalty, strive for perfection, and leave a legacy of trust and honesty in your wake. Find your passion, and use all the tools you will learn to bring your dreams to fruition.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
Megann Willson says
It’s really exciting to see the student-led initiatives in our Faculty of Management take shape and develop. These are great examples of how our students Manage with Integrity and Make Things Happen.