“Key principles that I live by are to always do my best and to learn from my mistakes”
Alyssa Frost MBA(L) Candidate (Class of 2024)

Alyssa Frost, MBA(L) Candidate (Class of 2024)
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Alyssa Frost provides a fresh perspective on her MBA journey.
Already four courses into the program, Alyssa explains why staying organized is an important factor to balancing a full-time job, studies and personal responsibilities.
Alyssa also shared with CEGE Connection her thoughts about receiving feedback, but more importantly how to learn, improve, and grow as a person from it.
Alyssa Frost
To be honest, when I started thinking about beginning the MBA program it was scary. I have a full-time job, personal responsibilities and other obligations that demand my time, so I wondered how I could possibly fit something else into my already busy schedule. It had also been 6 years since I completed my undergraduate degree and the thought of going back to school, even part-time was daunting. Still today, I sometimes question my choice to pursue a Master’s degree, but during the hard times I keep telling myself, “It will be worth it in the end”, and here I am completing my 4th course of the program – already!
I started the program during the pandemic and was also working full time from home. One thing that I’ve had to implement, is regardless of how much school work I might have each night; I ensure that I take a break from sitting in front of the computer screen for at least 1-2 hours. This break gives me time to switch my brain from my ‘job work’ to my ‘school work’ allowing me to focus better on the task at hand. Another key factor that helps me balance everything is that I stay organized which is important to getting things done on time.
Having never taken a Graduate level course, I was nervous at the beginning, wondering if I had what it takes and always second guessing the quality of my work. A couple of key principles that I live by are to always do my best and to learn from my mistakes. I apply these same principles to my school work. No matter the assignment, I always try my best, I ask questions for clarity when needed, and carefully review the feedback I receive. That way, on my next assignment, I can take that feedback and make adjustments to improve upon my work. I believe that receiving constructive feedback is a key skill in life, whether it’s applied to school work, or your job. Learning from your mistakes is an important part of growing and becoming a better person.
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