Name: Lauren Anderson
Program/major: Bachelor of Management (4th year)
Career aspirations: My goal is to continue my education in the Corporate Residency MBA Program before pursuing a career in International Business.
Why were you interested in taking this course, Doing Business in Emerging Markets?
I was initially interested in this course to have the experience of traveling to two new countries. Although I love to travel, I have never had the opportunity to go outside of North America. Upon learning more about the course, what was of particular interest to me was that we would be able to work with MBA students. Since my next educational goal is to enroll in that program, it has been an amazing opportunity for me to ask them questions and hear their perspectives.
What do you expect to learn from your visit to Chile and Argentina?
I expect to learn both the challenges and opportunities of expanding one’s business to another country. I hope to experience different cultural factors in Chile and Argentina, so that I can have a more well-rounded perspective on the countries as a whole.
How do you think this experience will impact your future career?
I believe this experience will have various impacts on my future career. Before this course, I was not sure which direction in business I wanted to pursue. I have been able to discover that International Business is an area that I would like to explore for a future career. Being able to work with a real business as part of your undergraduate degree allows you to see how the course material you have been learning in your classes fits into a professional atmosphere.
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