As the end of another year quickly approaches, I want to offer my sincere thanks to everyone in the Faculty of Medicine for your dedication and efforts throughout 2022. When students returned in September, for the first time since 2019, on-campus activities were the norm—not the exception, and we could sense the renewed energy in our hallways, classrooms, and labs. It has been so nice to see so many smiling faces, and many still behind masks.
We have had some exciting new developments this fall. In October, the Government of New Brunswick announced that 10 medical school seats will be added to Dalhousie Medicine’s New Brunswick campus beginning in fall 2023. This increases our class size at DMNB to 40. This expansion reflects the confidence the New Brunswick provincial government has in DMNB’s impact on recruiting and retaining graduates to work in the province, along with the excellent educational experience these students are receiving under the direction of Associate Dean, Dr. Jennifer Hall.
Also this fall, the provincial government of Nova Scotia announced an expansion of the Department of Family Medicine clinics in Spryfield and Mumford, in collaboration with Nova Scotia Health. This expansion will increase access for patient care along with providing more training opportunities for medical and health professional learners in an excellent collaborative care practice environment. Congratulations to Dr. Kath Stringer, Head, Department of Family Medicine, Dr. Joanna Zed, Medical Director of the clinic, and the entire Family Medicine and Nova Scotia Health teams for making this happen. This clinic could serve as a model for others around the province demonstrating the benefits of linking patient care and medical education to serve the needs of Maritimers.
Over the last year, the Faculty of Medicine has undergone an extensive strategic planning consultation process with faculty, students, staff, residents, and external stakeholders. The purpose was to gain insight into unique perspectives and to understand how we can better support you through our new strategic plan. We have learned a great deal from this process and have been eager to share our draft conclusions from the findings for final feedback. Four focus groups were held in October and November, and insight from those sessions was reviewed at the annual Dean’s Retreat on November 17 and 18, 2022. We thank you all for your valuable contributions thus far and look forward to sharing the finished strategic plan with you in the coming months.
I am grateful to each of you for your individual efforts that have contributed to our collective success over the last year. I hope everyone has the opportunity to relax and spend time with your loved ones over the holiday break. I look forward to seeing you in 2023.
Kindest regards,
Dr. David Anderson
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
New initiative ensures more Nova Scotians are connected to a primary care provider
Nova Scotia Health and Dalhousie Family Medicine are collaborating on a new initiative to ensure more Nova Scotians are connected to a primary care provider, and recent graduates of Dalhousie Family Medicine gain valuable hands-on experience. The Nova Scotia Health – Dalhousie Family Medicine Primary Care Proof of Concept has received a $6.3 million government investment over four years and has already been implemented in the two Dalhousie Family Medicine Clinics. The clinics, on Mumford Road and in Spryfield, will increase access for current patients, as well as those waiting on the registry.
The initiative will provide opportunities for new graduates and new doctors to the province to establish practices, starting at Dalhousie family medicine clinics where they will gain experience working alongside other care providers. Following their time working with Dalhousie family medicine clinics, doctors will be supported in transitioning to their own practice and will maintain their roster of patients.
The Nova Scotia Health – Dalhousie Family Medicine Primary Care Proof of Concept is expected to take 3,500 more people from the Need a Family Practice Registry.
Medical school curriculum renewal prepares students to meet ever‑changing healthcare needs
The undergraduate curriculum at Dalhousie Medical School has undergone a major renewal under the direction of Associate Dean, Dr. Evelyn Sutton. This renewal involved 10 working groups and over 100 students, staff and faculty as we worked to address important areas such as climate change, equity, diversity and inclusion, addictions, health system change, generalism, and wellness, and their impact on medical education. This renewal represents the greatest change in our undergraduate medical curriculum in over 10 years and started to go into effect this fall. A key component of this work has been to upgrade over 200 tutorial cases in Med I and Med II with the lenses of equity, diversion, and inclusion. At Dalhousie we are always striving to update and innovate to ensure students receive the best educational experience.
Read more about our curriculum refresh on Dal Med News.
Dr. Channakeshava Umeshappa among Canada Research Chairs announced in November
Dr. Channakeshava Umeshappa, who is a PhD researcher in the Departments of Microbiology & Immunology, and Pediatrics, has been named a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Human Immunology and Inflammation. The announcement was made on November 16 by the Government of Canada. The funding will empower Dalhousie researchers to take global leadership in migration and immunology scholarship and to explore emerging ideas that promise to generate the discoveries of tomorrow.
Dr. Umeshappa’s research program aims to increase our understanding of the mechanisms that cause Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC), the most severe type of autoimmune liver disease, with the goal of developing new treatments.
Read more on Dal Med News.
Dalhousie welcomes DMRF in milestone integration set to grow fundraising success
For more than 40 years, Dalhousie University and the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) have shared a vision for health research excellence in the Maritimes.
To continue this work, and to better support research fundraising efforts, Dalhousie and DMRF joined forces on October 1. This partnership will see the two entities combine efforts to create an expert team with a vision of raising even more funds for health and medical research at Dalhousie for the benefit of the broader communities served.
The amalgamated team will be looking to continue the positive momentum of successful DMRF fundraising initiatives like the Molly Appeal and to work well with our donor community who has been generously supporting research in the Faculty of Medicine for decades.
Read more on Dal News.
Faculty featured in CIHR Health Research Explained series
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has launched a new series called Health Research Explained with a goal to better explain what exactly health research is—what it looks like, what it achieves, and why it’s so important for Canadians—while highlighting the amazing and diverse research taking place across the country. Dr. Emily Gard Marshall, Dr. Shashi Gujar, and Dr. Adam Johnston, are three of the featured researchers in this new series.
Read more about the series here.
Dr. Mary Ellen Macdonald invited to give witness testimony for The Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying
This fall we welcomed Dr. Mary Ellen Macdonald in becoming the inaugural J & W Murphy Foundation Endowed Chair in Palliative Care. Dr. Macdonald joined our Department of Medicine, Division of Palliative Care. Thanks to the Murphy Foundation and the QEII Foundation for their leadership and support in creating this important position. Last month, Dr. Macdonald was invited to give witness testimony for The Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying, Statutory Review of the Provisions of the Criminal Code Relating to Medical Assistance in Dying and their Application to mature minors. She appeared on a witness panel with fellow Dalhousie faculty member and family physician, Dr. Arundhati Dhara, and Elizabeth Sheehy, professor emerita of law at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Macdonald focused on a gap in the current process: that is, the lack of youth engagement in legislation that is ostensibly about them. Her proposed participatory research plans to meaningfully engage with young people, their parents, and caregiver to generate data through focus groups, interviews, and arts-based methods. This work will ensure evidence-based recommendations on the next steps pertaining to MAID for mature minors that centre youth voices.
MacEachen Institute of Public Policy Healthcare Reconsidered Speaker Series
The Faculty of Medicine has a societal role to give back to the communities we serve and address health system issues that need attention. In partnership with the MacEachen Institute of Public Policy, two enlightening panel discussions were held recently as part of the Healthcare Reconsidered Speaker Series. The first, “All for One, or One for All: Can universal health care meet the needs of a diverse population?”, on September 20, explored the challenges and opportunities that exist to make a more inclusive health care system that works better for everyone. “No Easy Answers: The complicated and involved practice of ethics in health care during crises,” followed on October 19 and focused on how we can use ethics to generate momentum for discussion about what matters in health care and how to achieve these important goals. Thank you to the speakers, and all those who participated in these engaging discussions. Opportunities such as this allow us take steps towards catalyzing systems change and improving health outcomes.
Faculty Wellness Podcast
The Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education team, and Assistant Dean, Faculty Wellness, Dr. Angela Cooper, have released their first faculty wellness podcast. Created to supplement the PD Seminar Series, the CPDME Podcasts offers real life stories from local faculty members and tackles issues that impact wellness, burnout and mental health whilst aiming to increase our sense of humanity and shared development of a psychologically safe culture. In the first episode, Dr. Cooper speaks to Dr. David Saunders about his recovery from alcohol use disorder.
Listen to the podcast.
Future episodes will be shared here and on Dal Medix.
CPDME Leadership Podcast
Leadership PRN is Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine’s podcast for leaders whether formal or informal, established or emerging. Each episode, Dr. Lara Hazelton, Co-Director of Faculty Development, speaks with local experts about the joys and challenges of leading in the medical environment. In the first episode, guest Laura Neals of Dalhousie Human Resources provides strategies for dealing with disruptive behavior. You can listen to it here. In the second episode, Dr. Hazelton speaks with Dr. Varun Dev about his experience as an early career physician leader. You can listen to it here.
Future episodes of the Leadership PRN podcast will cover topics such as educating residents about leadership, whether coaching is right for you, and how leaders can help their teams manage stress. To suggest a topic or someone you would like to hear interviewed, contact or
Faculty shine at annual Discovery Awards
On November 23, the 20th annual Discovery Awards, co-presented by Dalhousie, celebrated the university’s innovators who are inspiring the next generation of Nova Scotian scientists and strengthening the province through their efforts.
Winner in the category of Emerging Professional, Dr. Souvik Mitra of the Faculty of Medicine was recognized for his research and clinical work that has had a direct impact on the lives of premature babies suffering from heart defects in Nova Scotia and around the world.
Researcher and orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Ron El-Hawary was nominated in the category of Professional of Distinction for his pioneering work championing new surgical techniques, as well as his award-winning mentorship of future medical professionals.
Congratulations to both Dr. Mitra and Dr. El-Hawary, along with the other outstanding Dalhousie recipients.
Read more on Dal Med News.
Faculty recognized with research awards
Six faculty members have been recognized by the Faculty of Medicine for their incredible contributions to the research community. The Faculty of Medicine Awards for Excellence in Medical Research have been created to acknowledge research excellence among our faculty members and to encourage their continued efforts in medical research, while the Awards of Excellence in Research Mentorship celebrate the considerable efforts and accomplishments of faculty who consistently serve as exemplary mentors of trainees and other faculty members. Congratulations to:
- Amanda Vinson, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Patient-Oriented Research
- Denys Khaperskyy, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Early Career Investigator Award
- Kenneth Rockwood, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Career Excellence in Research Mentorship
- Victoria Price, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- Craig McCormick, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship of Faculty
- Yassine El Hiani, recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Research Mentorship of Trainees
Faculty receive Dalhousie University Legacy Awards
On November 7, 2022, several members of the Faculty of Medicine were celebrated by Dalhousie during their annual Legacy Awards celebration. The Dalhousie Legacy Awards recognize a number of university-wide awards, that are aligned with the university’s strategic plan. The awards assist in helping Dalhousie create a culture of respect and recognition for employees at all levels. The first annual Dalhousie Legacy Awards was held in June 2018, as part of the university’s 200th anniversary celebrations. Congratulations to:
- Francesca Di Cara, recipient of the Emerging Investigator Award
- Selene Etches, recipient of the Dr. Allan Cohen Memorial Award for Community Service
- Tareq Yousef, recipient of the President’s Graduate Student Teaching Award
Faculty of Medicine Awards of Excellence in Leadership Ceremony
On October 5 we celebrated the winners of the Faculty of Medicine Awards of Excellence in Leadership award winners with a ceremony in the Tupper. These awards recognize leadership across the different types of administrative roles within the medical school. We are thankful to all of our leaders at all levels in the Faculty of Medicine for their continued commitment in supporting our departments, divisions, and units across the Maritimes in achieving the Faculty’s academic mission. Congratulations to:
- Dr. Irene Sadek, Head of the Department of Pathology, recipient of the Academic Leadership Award
- Ms. Sharon Forward, Director of Resident and Student Affairs, recipient of the Professional & Managerial Leadership Award
- Ms. Jennifer Day, Administrative Assistant, Department of Emergency Medicine, recipient of the Leadership in Administrative, Clerical & Technical Support Award
- Undergraduate Medical Education coordinators and administrative staff in Nova Scotia and at DMNB, recipient of The Ryan Clow Team Collaboration Award
Dr. Anna MacLeod and team awarded at AMME
Congratulations to Dr. Anna MacLeod and her team in the clinical cadaver program on winning Best Research Presentation for their paper, “Negotiating Humanity: The Invisible Work of Cadaver Based Simulation,” at AMME 2022 in Lyon, France. The AMEE annual conference is now established as the key meeting for all involved in medical and healthcare professions education.
Dr. Samina Abidi named Women Leaders in Digital Health
Congratulations to Dr. Samina Abidi, associate professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, who has been selected as one of nine Women Leaders in Digital Health 2022 by Digital Health Canada. According to the organization, each nominee is peer-recognized by the 2022 Adjudication Committee as being a female visionary harnessing the power of IT to transform health and healthcare in Canada today. The selected finalists are acknowledged as having significantly contributed to the advancement of digital health in Canada through leadership, influence, involvement, and impact.
Dr. Abidi is recognized for her work and dedication demonstrating the outstanding qualities of a Woman Leader in Digital Health.
Learn more about the award.
2023 CaRMS Mock Interviews: Alumni Volunteers Needed!
On behalf of Resident & Student Affairs, the DMAA is once again recruiting alumni volunteers to help facilitate mock interviews for Med 4s in advance of the 2023 CaRMS process. Practice interviews would take place January 16th to 31st, 2023.
If you are interested, please reach out directly to Janna Disha, Admissions & Student Affairs.
Accessibility Week at Dal: November 28-December 2
The Faculty of Medicine is acutely aware of the of the importance of removing barriers to education, employment, and research for learners, staff, and faculty. We are in the process of refreshing our strategic plan, and our consultations revealed a common theme threaded through all areas of the plan—the importance of incorporating equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility into all our practices. We are committed to providing equitable access to our physical spaces on campus to faculty, students, and staff, as well as the broader community.
In 2018, the Collaborative Health and Education Building (CHEB), was designated an accessible building by the Rick Hansen Foundation, who works to break down one physical barriers that people with disabilities still face. The building’s Summer Street entrance is adorned with a large blue plaque highlighting this designation. It is the only building at Dalhousie with this designation and one of very few in all Atlantic Canada.
In the CHEB, where simulated and volunteer patients who are visually impaired or fully blind are regular visitors, the Faculties of Medicine, Health, and Dentistry are working hard to ensure the building is fully accessible. When made aware that stairwells in the building were lacking the appropriate tactile indicators, having been built prior the change in building code that required them, the CHEB team set to work acquiring the required funding to install them. Work was completed on November 24, just in time for Dalhousie’s first Accessibility week.
Appointments of Drs. Ian Epstein and Samantha Gray, Assistant Deans of Professional Affairs
On behalf of the Faculty of Medicine, I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Office of Professional Affairs (OPA), and the appointments of Dr. Ian Epstein, Assistant Dean of Professional Affairs (DMNS), effective December 1, 2022, and Dr. Samantha Gray, Assistant Dean of Professional Affairs (DMNB), effective November 1, 2022.
Reporting to the Senior Associate Dean, Faculty of Medicine, the Assistant Deans will work collaboratively to provide academic and administrative leadership to support the creation and maintenance of healthy learning environments within the Faculty of Medicine by addressing learner mistreatment and promoting professionalism. They will oversee outreach and education activities, working to promote the OPA’s services, and serving as a resource on healthy learning environment and professionalism.
The Assistant Deans will co-chair the OPA Advisory Committee, whose mandate is to support of the Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to the promotion of a healthy learning environment and professionalism among faculty, staff, and learners. The committee will make recommendations and provide key information and materials to the OPA. The Assistant Deans will also update and maintain Faculty of Medicine policies and procedures on learner mistreatment.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Epstein and Dr. Gray to their new roles.
Dr. Leah Jones appointed Academic Director, Black Health
Dr. Leah Jones, a 2018 Dalhousie Medical School graduate, has been appointed Academic Director, Black Health, effective September 1, 2022.
Reporting to the Associate Dean, Serving and Engaging Society, this new position established by the Faculty of Medicine will be key in the development, implementation and outcome assessment of plans related to African Nova Scotian and Black populations and their engagement with the Faculty of Medicine. She will lead the new Black Learners Admissions Pathway initiative for admissions to medicine and serve as the lead in co-developing and overseeing the direction for the Faculty of Medicine to engage African Nova Scotian and Black populations in the Maritimes. In collaboration with the PLANS manager, she will co-lead on appropriate supports for African Nova Scotian and Black students and residents in, or interacting with, the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Jones will also offer advice on curriculum related to African Nova Scotian and Black health provided by the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Continuing Professional Development programs, and advise the Dean and Associate Dean of Serving and Engaging Society on matters related to the health and wellbeing of African Nova Scotian and Black communities.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Jones to her new role.