Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) research will be presented in Portugal for the 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies. On May 17th, Dr. Habib will present a paper entitled Vulnerability in Transport Network during Critical Infrastructure Renewal: Lessons Learned from a Dynamic Traffic Microsimulation Model by MD Jahedul Alam PhD Student, Department of Civil and Resource Engineering; Dr. Muhammad Ahsanul Habib, Associate Professor School of Planning, and Department of Civil and Resource Engineering (cross); and Dr. Kevin Quigley, Associate Professor Scholarly Director, MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance, Dalhousie University. On May 19th, Dr. Habib will present a paper entitled Baseline Synthesis and Microsimulation of Life-stage Transitions within an Agent-based Integrated Urban Model by Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi, PhD candidate, Department of Civil and Resource Engineering; and Dr. Muhammad Ahsanul Habib, Associate Professor School of Planning, and Department of Civil and Resource Engineering (cross), Dalhousie University. Dr. Ahsan Habib will present both papers on behalf of DalTRAC and Dalhousie University researchers.
Community Transportation Nova Scotia (CTNS) Conference
DalTRAC students will be participating in the Community Transportation Nova Scotia (CTNS) Conference and AGM on Tuesday, May 16 in Truro. The theme of this years conference is Transforming Community Transportation: Mobility for All! DalTRAC students will have posters displayed throughout the entire conference related to topics such as transportation sustainability, accessibility, smartphone use and travel, risk assessment and emission modelling.
For more information about the CTNS Conference please visit http://communitytransitns.ca/events/
You Count! DalTRAC Collecting Data for University Avenue Bicycle Lane Pilot Project
Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) has partnered with Dalhousie University to conduct data collection for the University Avenue Protected Bicycle Lane Pilot Project. These counters will help increase the availability and transparency of data for bicycle use in Halifax. A permanent counter is located on the North side of University Avenue outside the Dalhousie Arts Centre. This counter has a permanent real-time display. The second counter is installed on the South side of the boulevard, outside the Kenneth Rowe Management building. Online bicycle counts will be available through DalTRAC’s StreetSenseNetwork website at http://www.eco-public.com/ParcPublic/?id=4638.
If you are a cyclist travelling on University Avenue, make sure you are counted. For more information about the StreetSenseNetwork please contact daltrac@dal.ca
Distracted Walking
Dr. Ahsan Habib was interviewed by Dan Misener from CBC radio regarding his thoughts on Distracted Walking. “It is very important in our transportation field to start recognizing this type of new phenomena” said Dr. Habib. Listen to more of the interview at https://soundcloud.com/cbcyukon/dan-misener-distracted-walking
MacEachen Institute Evacuation Roundtable
On Tuesday March 28, Dr. Ahsan Habib and graduate student MD Jahedul Alam attended the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance Evacuation Roundtable. The objective of this roundtable was to discuss research results and future direction of research for emergency evacuation of the Halifax peninsula. Dr. Habib presented “Evacuating Halifax Peninsula: A Dynamic Traffic Microsimulation Modelling Approach”, the research which was supported by the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) Network.

Dr. Ahsan Habib presents to MacEachen Institute of Public Policy Evacuation roundtable. Photo credit: Daniel Abriel
Dalhousie researchers Ahsan Habib and Kevin Quigley work on a mass evacuation project for Halifax
Dalhousie researchers Ahsan Habib and Kevin Quigley are working on a mass evacuation simulation for Halifax. Read more about this project at http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/emergency-evacuation-video-game-dalhousie-disaster-flood-1.4030663
DalTRAC students invited to present in the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB)
In January 2017, five DalTRAC students will present nine research papers at the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB) in Washington, D.C. The session information can be found below:
- Risk Assessment and Traffic Impact Microsimulation for a Suspension Bridge Re-Construction Project by MD Jahed Alam and Muhammad Habib, Session 222, Presentation 17-06416, Monday January 9, 8:00am-9:45am
- Microsimulation of Vehicle Transaction Decisions Within an integrated Urban Modeling Framework by Mahmudur Fatmi and Muhammad Habib, Session 508, Presentation 17-06844, Tuesday January 10, 8:00am-9:45am
- Who Do You Travel with and What Type of Vehicle Do You Get? Modeling Choice of Vehicle Type for Travel by Nazmul Arefin Khan and Muhammad Habib, Session 508, Presentation 17-06861, Tuesday January 10, 8:00am-9:45am
- Spatial Evolution of Neighborhood in Shanghai, China: Assessment of Urban Form and Street Network by Haomiao Cheng, Muhammad Habib, Bowei Wang and Jill Grant, Session 703, Presentation 17-05364, Tuesday January 10, 3:45pm-5pm
- Development of Prototype Integrated Urban Model: Microsimulation of Life-Stage Transitions and Residential Location Transitions by Mahmudur Fatmi and Muhammad Habib, Session 703, Presentation 17-05487, Tuesday January 10, 3:45pm-5pm
- Smartphone and Mobility: How Use of Smartphone Applications Affects Travel Decisions by Shaila Jamal and Muhammad Habib, Session 779, Presentation 17-06524, Wednesday January 11, 8:00am-9:45am
- Mobile ICT and Travel: Does Dependency on Smartphone Applications Stimulate Social Trips? by Shaila Jamal and Muhammad Habib, Session 779, Presentation 17-06802, Wednesday January 11, 8:00am-9:45am
- Impact of Smartphone Use on Vehicle Kilometers Traveled: Latent Class Logit Modeling Approach by Shaila Jamal, Muhammad Habib and Nazmul Arefin Khan, Session 779, Presentation 17-06103, Wednesday January 11, 8:00am-9:45am
- Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Departure Time Choice Modeling for Dynamic Traffic Microsimulation by MD Jahed Alam and Muhammad Habib, Session 828, Presentation 17-06282, Wednesday January 11, 10:15am-12:00pm
MASc Thesis Defence
DalTRAC team member and graduate student in the Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, Babatope Olajide will make a presentation on his thesis entitled: Modeling of Emergency Vehicle Demand using Poisson Hurdle Regression Model
The presentation will take place on Monday December 5, 2016 at 1:30pm in Room D203a. Everyone is welcome to attend!
StreetSenseNetwork Project Launch
DalTRAC has partnered with the Halifax Cycling Coalition for the StreetSenseNetwork Project, with support from Halifax Regional Municipality. It will provide automatically transmitted, publicly accessible baseline information on cyclists and pedestrians for specific locations throughout the municipality. The first counter has been installed on Agricola Street to collect the number of people cycling travelling South. The initiative aims to increase the availability and transparency of data for bicycle usage in Halifax. It will be a tremendous resource for bike planning and promotion in the region. The network will be growing over the next few months so check back for data in other locations.
The StreetSenseNetwork public webpage can be found at http://www.eco-public.com/ParcPublic/?id=4638
For more information about the StreetSenseNetwork please contact daltrac@dal.ca
Pleasant October Hike
Join Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) for our Pleasant October Hike at Point Pleasant Park at 2pm on Wednesday October 12, in partnership with Halifax Parks and Recreation and Hike Nova Scotia.
The hike is one of about 45 events for the Halifax October Trail Challenge program which runs from October 1-31. It encourages individuals, schools and community groups to get outside and be active, and highlights local trails and parks. This will be a fun, student-led hike along one of the trails within Point Pleasant Park. The actual trail will be determined closer to date, however expect approximately 3km walk. There will be no cost to attend however we would like people to register by emailing daltrac@dal.ca. Hike NS will be providing a trail prize to give away at the end of the hike.
Check the Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory Facebook (@DalTRACHalifax) and Twitter (@DalTRAC) pages for updates regarding the October 12 Pleasant October Hike event.
For more information about hike events throughout the province visit the Hike NS website at www.hikenovascotia.ca or Halifax Recreation at www.halifax.ca/rec/