What are office hours?
Office hours are a time for you to have a one-on-one talk with your professor. This is a great opportunity for you to bring up any questions you have about the course material, or talk about any concerns or struggles you may be having.
How can students book office hours?
The best way to book office hours with your professor should be laid out in your course syllabus on Brightspace.
How can I make changes to my courses?
To make changes to your courses you should contact your academic advisor. To contact academic advising email uao@dal.ca or call (902) 494-3710.
What resources are available to me?
The program websites offer a comprehensive list of supports available to you:
Management: https://www.dal.ca/faculty/management/current-students/bmgmt/academic-resources.html
Where can I view my class schedule?
To view your class schedule, log into Dal Online using your NetID, then click “Web for Students”, then “Registration”, then “Student Schedule by Day & Time.”
How do I register for courses?
To register for courses you can log into Dal Online, then click “Web for Students”, then click “Registration”, then “Add/ Drop Classes.” For more information on registration, please visit: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/academic-support/register-for-courses.html
Where can I view my final grades?
To view your final grades log into Dal Online, then click “Web for Students.” From there, click “Student Records,” and then “Final Grades.”
Where can I go for counselling or support?
Our Student Health & Wellness Centre is available to all Dalhousie students and offers appointments to fit your schedule. To see what is offered or to book an appointment, visit: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/health-and-wellness/services-support/student-health-and-wellness.html
If you are not sure where exactly to go, connect with the Undergraduate Advising Office for appropriate referrals.
What are the essential core courses?
Required courses can be found here:
Commerce: https://www.dal.ca/faculty/management/rsb/current-students/bachelor-of-commerce/program-details.html
Management: https://www.dal.ca/faculty/management/current-students/bmgmt/program.html
What is Brightspace?
Brightspace is Dalhousie’s web-based learning management system. Students can find information and documents related to their courses. Professors use Brightspace to post updates and materials, collect your assignments, pose quizzes, and post your grades.
What academic supports are available to me beyond the course professor and/or TA (Teaching Assistant)?
Additional academic supports can be found here: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/academic-support.html
How do I obtain a letter of support to accompany my application to be allowed entry into Canada?
You can contact the International Centre for assistance: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/international-centre/contact-us.html
Where can I find Immigration news and updates and other information for international students??
Check the International Centre for updates.
If you have a question that you believe should be added please email it to mgmtweb@dal.ca