Here you can find all of the Integrated Design Workshop presentations. Just click on a link below and you’ll get access to each presentation. Please send any comments to
Thank you!
DSRA 15125 – Workshop 01 Presentation
Here you can find all of the Integrated Design Workshop presentations. Just click on a link below and you’ll get access to each presentation. Please send any comments to
Thank you!
DSRA 15125 – Workshop 01 Presentation
We’re back with the 3rd installment of the IDEA Building integrated design workshops. This time we’ve moved to the T-room on Sexton Campus and are starting at 5:30pm based on requests. Pizza will be provided.
The agenda looks like this:
About 45 students, faculty, and staff participated in the IDEA Building Integrated Design Workshop #2 held on November 25, 2015 at the Exhibition Room in the Medjuck Building. Thanks for participating!
We are underway reviewing the feedback and will return in 2016 to update everyone on our progress and check-in to determine if we’re headed in the right direction. The next session will be planned as an evening session starting at 6pm to ensure that engineering students are able to attend given their class schedules.
The second Integrated Design Workshop is upcoming – November 25, 2015 to be exact. We’re headed again to the Exhibition Room of the Medjuck Building on Sexton Campus from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Our mechanical, structural, and architectural team will be present. Please plan to attend.
Facebook event pages:
We had over 55 participants for our first workshop! Students, Faculty, and staff from engineering, architecture, and planning attended a 3 hour integrated design workshop focusing on ‘vision’ for the IDEA Building. A few photos of the workshop are included here. We look forward to the next workshop focusing further on design and systems scheduled for November 25, 2015 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Hi! For background reference, here are the concept design floor plans for the IDEA Building. These are subject to change through the design process – which you are participating in! Please share any comments/thoughts/suggestions by commenting on this post.
The space program is currently as follows:
Teaching – 450 seat auditorium (9,000 sf)
Studios -Design Commons (4,200 sf) – Planning Studios (6,000 sf)
Workshops – Machine shop (3,000 sf) -Wood shop (3,000 sf) -Plastics Shop (1,000 sf) -Welding Shop (1,000 sf) -CNC Shop (600 sf) -Prototyping Workshops x 3 (1,500 sf each) – Material Stores (1,500 sf)
-Technician offices (800 sf)
Innovation / Start-Up – Innovation Hub (~10,000 sf)
Architecture firm DSRA will be hosting integrated design workshops related to the design of the IDEA Building on:
1. November 4, 2015 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm in the Exhibition Room of the Medjuck Building on Sexton Campus
2. November 25, 2015 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm – location TBD
Please plan to attend!
Check out the invite video here:
IDEA Building Engagement Video2.mp4
Thank you
Dalhousie University is poised to transform its downtown Sexton Campus and with a new academic building called the IDEA (Innovative Design in Engineering & Architecture) Building. The focus of this new building is to provide modern space for students to learn the art of design through hands-on experience, and increase interaction and collaboration between students in the Faculties of Engineering, and Architecture & Planning. The IDEA Building represents the first new construction academic building on Dalhousie’s Sexton Campus since the university merged with the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) in 1997. The IDEA building will be a substantial contribution to campus – both functional and visual.
Ongoing consultation and engagement with students, faculty, and staff is underway through in-person stakeholder meetings, planned public open integrated design workshops, and through this blog. The blog is intended as an online platform for receiving comments from interested students, faculty and staff regarding the design of the IDEA Building. Comments will be received, noted and responded to on the blog site. Comments will assist in informing the design between now and January / February 2016.
Thank you!