We woke up to have breakfast again at 7am, like any other ordinary morning here in Africa. Although we can hardly call these ordinary days, considering what we’ve had the opportunity to do so much here, from seeing lions up close and meeting a hand-reared Kudu, to getting to handle some pretty wicked reptiles and do many other things. All of us spent the morning catching up on some much needed journaling, or doing our final day of stressful data collection, or even starting our statistical data analysis and brief presentations for Sunday. The entirety of our day was spent fairly sedentarily in the main tent, plugging away at all aspects of our independent projects. Albeit a informal schedule today, the mathematical content that filled our notes and laptop screens was stressful and tiring to wrap heads around. Totally #StudentLife
Some pictures from the camera-trapping project:

Camera trapping…elephant #1

Elephant #2

And even more elephants

Camera trap – warthog

An otter and black-headed heron


And here is a Taylor!

The lesser spotted Homo sapiens, Dan and Seamus collecting up the traps at the end.
It was nice to be able to not have a full schedule today though, and we could actually take some time for ourselves. The kitchen staff gifted us with another scrumptious round of milk tart for dessert after supper, since it was a such a smash hit the first time Janine introduced it to us before we even left Canada. Following our supper tonight is our second night game drive, and we are all anxiously awaiting the reveal of these mythical Hippos that Brad continues to rave about! Apparently, a couple of students out collecting data today got the privilege to see them, but we still think they’re pulling our legs, or in our words, they’re Bert-ing us. So fingers crossed that we actually get to see these hippos tonight, and it’s not another game of impossible hide and seek.
This is compliments of: Morgyn, Jenna and Janessa
They have just returned from their night drive, the hippos are real although I am waiting for photographic evidence!!!