David’s favourite photo is:
David says: “I chose this photo because I found the elephants to be exceptional animals and I consider it a privilege to see and study them in my research project.”
Jessica sent me her favourite and funniest photos:
Jessica’s favourite because: “Visiting South Africa was a wonderful experience, but let me tell you, I wasn’t leaving Africa without seeing some Lions! It was especially awesome to hear the two subadult females roar!!!”
Jessica’s funniest: “So yeah…..this is what happens when you let Dan have your camera to take pictures for you at a Rhino procedure.”
Nikki sent me a number of photos so I had to pick:
Nikki’s favourite because: “I love the first picture so much because I feel like it justly represents how BEAUTIFUL I saw SA to be. No matter where we went magnificent sceneries awaited us and those are some of my most vivid memories. The next picture is more obvious in its meaning: the animals are the reason we were all there, what brought us all together, our passion. This is one of the species I most wanted to see for their charismatic appearances and behaviours.”
Nikki’s funniest – Ashley was always trying to get pictures of everyone else asleep during the day so Nikki managed to get one of her!
Megan says: “Elephants have always been my favorite animal, and I think this picture ties together both that, and the wonderful country it was taken in.” As you can guess her favourite photo is:
For Maddie, it wasn’t the cute and furry’s…she chose: “this one because of my love for amphibians and reptiles, and how this course was an opportunity to learn so much more about them. I especially wanted to see the puff adder and I was in total awe in its presence. Symbolically, it could also represent how the whole trip made me feel while learning about the ecosystems and cultures of South Africa. It was a truly unique learning experience with many stunning moments like this one”.

Taken by Jessica Gill.
Ashley also sent me lots of favourite and funny photos so again I selected a couple from these:
Her favourites were:
as these show a couple of the fun parts of the trip…working with children in the community and data collection in the wild!
Her funniest shouldn’t surprise you: …if you dozed off (and I did a couple of times) you would find Ashley with her camera pointed in your direction!
Awesome photos from everyone! 🙂 Thank you for sharing them 🙂